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我估量她大要35岁。I put her at 35.

我估量她有30岁。I estimate her age at 30.

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它的深度是你我无法估量。Its depth beyond both you and I.

这是一笔无法估量价值的投资。It's really an incalculable value.

现在你只是需要估量价。Right now you just want estimates.

一个真正朋友的价值是无法估量的。The value of a true friend is not estimable.

那木匠用卡钳估量暗榫。The carpenter gauged the dowel with calipers.

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这是无法估量的。You can't process what numbers like that mean.

核子战争所造成的损失是无法估量的。The loss caused by a nuclear war is incalculable.

比尔盖兹在计算机领域中的影响现在仍然很难估量。Still it is hard to the influence of BG on comput.

他们必须对情况做个实事求是的估量。They had to give a sober assessment of the situation.

我们的技术知识资源是无法估量的。Our resources in technical knowledge are imponderable.

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许多无法估量的因素都会影响选举结果。Many imponderables influence the result of an election.

我们放出去的款子,估量是还可以收回几成呢?Now, how much do you think we can get back on our loans?

他们作出了难以估量的重大贡献。They have made a contribution of inestimable importance.

反之,企业就可能会遭受难以估量的损失。On the contrary, enterprises may suffer inestimable loss.

这将带来多大商机,难以估量。This will bring much business opportunities, inestimable.

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国柱醒来,估量本人喝醉后胡胡说话。GuoZhu wake up, the measure I got drunk hu nonsense words.

他估量其中有一张是通知那位满清大员莅临的消息。He supposed one of them announced the visit of the Manchu.

这一技术在价值无法估量,带来了一种出乎意料的香味。The technique isinvaluable for adding unexpected flavours.