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只是表示他们具有党派性。it just means they are partisan.

闹派性要不要反对?Will they oppose factionalism or not?

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让我们先把报纸的党派性这一点说清楚。Well, let's make clear the partisanship of the newspaper.

我们一定要下决心搞好反派性的斗争。We must be determined to win in our anti- factionalist struggle.

大会星期一的日程中几乎取消了所有具有派性色彩的重要讲话。Monday, the convention was stripped of all major partisan speeches.

你的“行业”是闹派性,何必到我们这里来拿工资?Since his trade is factionalism , why should we keep him on our payroll?

闹派性的人大部分是可以教育过来的。The majority of people engaging in factional activities can be educated.

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从某种意义上来说,党派性新闻的增加应该是受人欢迎的。In one way the increasing availability of partisan news is to be welcomed.

对于派性,还要号召群众、发动群众起来共同反对。Moreover, we should call on the masses to join in the effort against factionalism.

观察家说,尽管如此,联邦巩固发展党的派性不可能动摇丹瑞的控制缅甸国家政权。Observers said USDP factionalism is unlikely to shake Than Shwe's control of power in Burma.

要安定团结,就必须消除派性,增强党性。In order to achieve stability and unity, we must eliminate factionalism and enhance Party spirit.

派性分子还存在。新生的打砸抢分子也有的是。There are still factionalists around as well as newly emerging elements who engage in beating, smashing and looting.

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上帝并不体现在教派派性中,不管那是希尔颂、罗马天主教会还是其他什么堕落的组织。God is not reflected in churchianity, Hillsong, the Roman Catholic Church, or any of the other infiltrated organisation.

互联网让新闻变得更具有参与性,社会性,多样性,党派性,它复兴了大众传媒之前那个时代东拉西扯的习性。The internet is making news more participatory, social, diverse and partisan, reviving the discursive ethos of the era before mass media.

军队整顿当中,还要加强干部学习,增强党性,反对派性,加强纪律性,发扬艰苦奋斗的传统作风。To accomplish these tasks, we must enhance Party spirit, eliminate factionalism , heighten the sense of discipline and improve efficiency.

分析人士说,最后几周的竞选活动一定会非常激烈而且充满党派性攻击和负面电视广告。Analysts say the final weeks of the campaign promise to be intense and filled with partisan attacks and negative television advertisements.

现在解决各地区、各部门的问题,都要从反对派性、增强党性入手。The present attempts to solve problems in different regions and units should all begin with combating factionalism and enhancing Party spirit.

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现在让我以更全面的角度,以最郑重的态度告诫你们全面警惕派性的恶劣影响。Let me now take a more comprehensive view, and warn you in the most solemn manner against the baneful effects of the spirit of party generally.

裁减军备需要信任,如果国家的派性是国际政治事务中的唯一指导原则,裁军就难以实现。Disarmament will require trust, and this will be hard to achieve if national partisanship is the sole guiding principle in international politics.

奥巴马似乎愿意这么做,但这是由国会来决定的。美国国会在1999年以高单党派性投票而阻止了该条约的首期实施。Mr Obama seems willing to make the case, but it is for Congress, which blocked the CTBT first time round in 1999 in a highly partisan vote, to decide.