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仍是这只是武断的拟人论?Or is this just rampant anthropomorphism?

果真如此?还是这只是武断的拟人论?Really? Or is this just rampant anthropomorphism ?

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拟人和禁忌表两个策略被给出。Personification strategy and tabu list strategy are presented.

其中一个经常使用的技能就是拟人!One of his frequent tools is giving animals human characteristics.

因为用拟人的手法来谈论比特和字节往往令人觉得很怪异。It feels strange to speak anthropomorphically about bits and bytes.

在箴言的第八章和第九章,智慧再次清楚地以拟人的笔法出现。In Proverbs 8 and 9, wisdom again appears in the form of personification.

这幅漫画以拟人的方式呈现地球,它的脸显得非常不高兴。The cartoon presents the Earth with a personified human face that seems quite unhappy.

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角腿,柔边和拟人给予她的光电缆中间人物。Angle legs, soft edges and cable in the middle of giving her light anthropomorphic characters.

拟人文学上的一种修辞方法,如相比或似人法,用以抵达某种特别的效果。A literary contrivance, such as parallelism or personification, used to achieve a particular effect.

希腊神话中充满了拟人的生物,他们完美的让人难以企及。Greek mythology was filled with anthropomorphic creatures, perfect beings, that humankind tried to match.

作为一种修辞格,呼语常被用在诗歌中,并伴随着示现或拟人的形式出现。As a kind of figure of speech, apostrophe often appears in poetry in the form of vision or personification.

他说电影中的婚配仪式纯粹是艺术化的拟人。He said the portrayal of the penguins' mating rituals as a love story is a "major" case of anthropomorphism.

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文中提出了企业管理的“拟人”模式一人格化模式,并对这一模式的“大脑”、“躯干”、“四肢”等的构成和功能进行了分析。This paper forms a management model of modern-man, and analyses the functions of brain, body, arms and legs.

当正义被激怒的时候,顺便说正义在此,被拟人化为叫做狄刻的女神For when justice is outraged, and by the way justice here is personified in the form of the goddess called Dike.

其他的方法包括拟人、并列以及用行为动词将颜色加以连接。Other means of pictorialism include personification, juxtaposition and the matching of colors with verbs of action.

“拟人”以“通感”为其语义构成基础,在英语语言中有着自己独特的语用功效。English personification possesses its special semantic function in English language on the semantic basis of synaesthesia.

修辞向词汇渗透也使得大批新词产生,主要的修辞手段是比喻、借代、拟人等。Rhetorical approach also makes a large number of new words, the main rhetorical device is metaphor, metonymy, anthropomorphic.

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本论文的意义即在发潜德之幽光,冀能透显广谐史拟人仿作的创作意图与编意所在。The meaning of the thesis is discovered GSS , letting people get understanding why the authors of GSS created it and what it told.

在此基础上,对一些相邻易混辞格,如拈连和仿拟、移就和拟人、婉曲和讳饰、易色和反语等,进行了逐一鉴别分析。On the basis of these, it distinguishes and analysis some rhetorical techniques, which are similar and easy to be mixed up, one by one.

这一研究也解释了拟人论,即认为人类会潜意识地用属于人类的词汇去解释动物的行为。This study sheds new light on anthropomorphism — the natural human tendency to interpret animal behavior in human terms, Horowitz said.