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工作稳定程度和薪水的高低应当以雇员的表现为依据,而不应看他们的工龄长短。Job security and salary should be based on employee performance, not on years of service.

年龄、工龄、岗位级别及职位对工资收入分配具有重要影响。Age, seniority, positional ranks, and occupations are important determinations for earnings.

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根据她的计算,如果是加上40年的工龄,总的工资级差将会达到80万美元。Add that up over a 40-year working life and the total differential is about 0,000, she figures.

根据她的计算,如果加上40年的工龄,总的工资级差将会达到80万美元。Add thatup over a 40-year working life and the total differential is about 800,000, she figures.

方法对我院不同年龄及工龄段24名手术室护士进行调查分析。Method 24nurses in the operating room with various ages and length of service had been analyzed.

与国有职工全部解除劳动关系,按职工的工龄给付经济补偿金。The SOE pay the employees compensations for rescinding the employment contract with the employees.

不同工龄组两两比较显示随着工龄的增加,血压异常检出率、心电图异常检出率均呈上升的趋势。The detectable rates of abnormal blood pressure and ECG both increased with the lenghth of service.

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未发现MNF与性别、年龄、工龄、吸烟和饮酒有统计学上的联系。No marked difference of the MNF between sex, age, duration of work , smoking and drinking were found.

聘用的车间主任工龄已达18年,能为您生产出优质的产品!Employed by the workshop , director of service has reached 18 years, can you produce quality products!

下岗职工在单位再就业服务中心期间算不算工龄?Does laid-off workers calculate the length of service during the period of unit re-employment service center?

以腰背痛、眼睛不适、头痛头晕的主诉症状为主,且发生率随着工龄的增长而增高。Major symptoms included back pain, eye discomfort, and headache. The incidence of discomfort symptoms increased with age.

贫困国家往往有很多人在非正式部门工作,而这些部门的工龄是根本不计入养老金方案的。Poor countries tend to have many people working in non-formal sectors, which don't even factor into these pension schemes.

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炼焦工龄、多食腌菜是导致血清P21蛋白水平升高的危险因素,多食新鲜水果为保护因素。The risk factors of increasing serum P21 were the exposed time and pickle foods and the protective factor was fresh fruits.

针对产权问题提出了工龄赎买、职工入股、完善投资主体结构等对策。In view of above-mentioned reason, this paper suggests some approaches and measures to perfect the system of property right.

以不同开始接尘年度工龄分布表为基础,用寿命表法计算30年工龄累计尘肺发病率。Based on exposure time by year and life table, the cumulative pneumoconiosis incidence of 30 year length of service was calculated.

只有铀矿粉尘接尘史的矽肺病例平均发病工龄短,平均发病年龄较轻。The average length of employment and age of the occurrence of the silicosis in those exposed only to uranium dust showed and younger.

包括分配个人的数量,技能和工龄的混合,以及项目生命周期每个阶段所需的个人时间。Includes quantity of personnel assigned, skill and seniority mix, and personnel time required for each phase of the program lifecycle.

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我们的问卷调查发现员工的学历、职位、工龄、企业属性和企业规模对员工参与有影响。Our questionnaire found staff qualifications, job, age, enterprise identity and enterprise-scale have an impact on employee involvement.

列出的薪资都是一个中等的有5到8年工龄的全职员工的平均年薪,包括了全部的福利,奖金以及分红。The salaries listed are median, annual salaries for full-time workers with 5-8 years of experience and include any bonuses, commissions or profit sharing.

结论长期接触焦炉逸散物使职业人群DNA链断裂明显增加,且与工龄有剂量-反应关系,可能与机体活性氧水平升高有关。Conclusion The workers exposed to coke oven volatiles could cause the increase of DNA damage rate, and ROS level increase might be involved in this process.