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在重力场或者电场里面,就做不到了。A gravitational field or an electric field, you can't.

在这个过程中我们尝试获得一个厚纸板的重力场。In the process we will try to achieve gravitation of a cardboard.

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概述了1992年以来西安地区的重力场时空变化特征。Space-time variation of gravity in Xi'an since 1992 is summarized.

CHAMP地面跟踪站,重力场,大气,GPS掩星。CHAMP tracking station, gravity field, atmosphere, GPS occultation.

震后重力场松驰反向恢复。After the earthquake, the gravity field relaxed and resumed inversely.

高阶高精度地球重力场模型具有广泛的用途。High order, high precision geopotential models have broad application.

幸存的圣约人舰队加速逃离了重力场。The surviving Covenant ships struggled to accelerate out of the gravity well.

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它们的联动效应会产生重力场。One effect of this is that energy, as well as mass, creates a gravitational field.

我们今天探测重力场波的工具称为干涉仪。Today's attempts to detect gravitational waves use instruments called interferometers.

计算表明,潮汐对伽利略卫星的正常重力场影响不大。Calculations suggests that tides raised by Jupiter weakly affect the Galilean satellites.

本方法采用超重力场来强化电解铜粉。The method adopts hypergravity fields to intensify the electrolysis of the copper powder.

另一种证据是,星体的重力场可以象棱镜一样放大背景光。In other cases, a star's gravitational field magnifies background light like a giant lens.

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受地球重力场和高空风场的影响,该不均匀体向东北方向扩散。It diffused northeastward , which was caused by the upper air winds and geomagnetic field.

他们的飞船逃离了重力场,把追踪者抛在了后面。The balance of their fleet had escaped the gravity of Onyx and outdistanced their persuaders.

物理大地测量的主要目标是确定地球外部重力场和大地水准面。The main purpose of physical geodesy is to ascertain the outer Earth gravity field and geoid.

旋转填料床是八十年代初发展起来的新型超重力场气液传质设备。Rotating packed bed is a new high-gravity gas-liquid mass-transfer equipment developed in 1980.

重力场的变化使得某一些粒子获得能量,另一些则损失能量。Changes in the gravitational field cause some particles to gain energy and others to lose energy.

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重力场是如此的强大以致于靠近它的逃逸速度超过光速。The gravitational field is so strong that the escape velocity near it exceeds the speed of light.

卫星重力探测技术可获取全球均匀覆盖的地球重力场信号。The global homogeneously covering gravity single can be collected by satellite gravity techniques.

计算中考虑了在不同的水头与转轮直径比的情况下,重力场的影响程度。The effect of working water head and ratio of water head to runner diameter are taken into account.