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他们将一个师整编成为一个团。They reformed a division into a regiment.

你无法再弄乱,或重新整编你的诗篇。You can't derange , or re-arrange, your poems again.

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该组织整编为边防卫队的最后期限在四月份终止。The deadline expired in April for the group to transform into BGF.

政府代表团在谈判时没有提及整编计划的问题,只是谈到了达成和平的计划。The delegations did not talk about the BGF but only a plan to make peace.

“我们在前线可能会做出一些整编,”美国政府官员说。“We may do the shaping on the front end,” the administration official said.

缅甸军政府在2009年6月命令新孟邦党整编成边防警卫部队。The Burmese junta ordered the NMSP to form a border guard force in June 2009.

为前厅部整编统计数字并提供与之相关的报告。Compile statistics for front office and provide reports relating to that area.

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而这些民地武组织如果不同意接受整编,那么政府可以对其开战,当然也可以放弃整编构想。If they do not agree, the government might be forced to go to war or drop the idea.

军政府已经放言,在2010年大选之前各边防警卫部队应当整编完毕。The regime has said border guard forces should be in place before the 2010 election.

或许幸运的话,大指挥官虔诚之血尚能活下来,整编起幸存的残军。Perhaps with luck, High Commander Pureblood will somehow endure and marshal the survivors.

它可对多站点、长年代、多项逐日及整编资料同时进行检索、整编和分析。The system can be used to examine and analyse long-term multi-station meteorological data.

十多年前,西方的阿加森网路与抵抗运动整编合并。In the West, Agartha network was integrated with the Resistance Movement more than a decade ago.

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它消耗了日军大量的有生力量,其中万家岭战役全歼日军一个整编师团。A lot of Japanese living forces were killed, of which In thd Wanjialing Battle, a whole reorganized.

他把彼佳从奥博连斯基团转到在莫斯科郊外整编的别祖霍夫团。He got Petya transferred from Obolensky's regiment to Bezuhov's, which was in formation near Moscow.

鲍有祥曾同耶敏会谈了30分钟,但是并未就整编问题达成解决方案。In 2009, Bao Youxiang met with Ye Myint for 30 minutes but no solution regarding the BGF was reached.

最终,全部7个部落或被催毁或被整编成了今天我们所知的凯撒军团。Eventually, all seven tribes were either destroyed or incorporated in what became known as the Legion.

各和平组织拒绝了政府的整编建议,从而导致早前维持的和平状态被打破。The ceasefire groups refused the government’s orders, which caused the earlier ceasefires to break down.

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佤联军虽然没有接受缅甸政府的整编建议,但选择了“沉默”的方式,而没有直接说“不”。The UWSA did not accept the Burmese government's BGF proposal but opted to “not answer” rather than reply no.

自2009年4月以来,军政府一直都在给缅甸各少数民族和平组织施压,试图迫使这些和平组织接受整编。The regime has been pressuring the country's ethnic cease-fire groups to join the BGF scheme since April 2009.

在军队精减整编背景下,聘用人员日益成为军队医院发展的一支重要力量。Employed staff had become an important force for the development of military hospital under current circumstance.