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老爷子,买躺椅了?Father, to buy a recliner?

一个男人坐在活动躺椅上喝啤酒。A man sat in a recliner drinking beer.

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我最成功的一次是当我躺在躺椅上睡著的那次。I have had my best success when I sleep in a recliner.

我挂断电话,这名男子在炉站立起来。As I hung up the phone, the man in the recliner stood up.

它又跳上了病床的靠背,在空中闻了闻。He leaped onto the arm of the recliner and sniffed the air.

但在星期天下午,父亲会靠在他的躺椅上,让我为他演奏。But on Sunday afternoons, Dad would sit back in his recliner and ask me to play for him.

他在他的卧椅中坐而且在夜空温习窗户,他的心留空白。He sat in his recliner and looked through the window at the evening sky, his mind blank.

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当购买一个沙发、贵妃榻或者椅子时,你应该测试一下,判断它的质量。When buying a sofa, recliner or chair, you should always test it, and judge for quality.

本产品可应用于带摆、带转的沙发躺椅中。This recliner mechanism can be used in recliners and sofas that reclines, glides and swivels.

吃完晚饭后,约翰走进卧室,在靠椅上坐下来,眼睛盯着天花板。After we ate dinner, Jon settled down in the brown recliner in the living room, staring at the ceiling.

在家庭房间坐在一个大,老,加厚皮革躺椅大家都知道是祖父的椅子。In the family room sits a big, old, overstuffed leather recliner that everyone knows is Grampa's chair.

我儿子一岁大的时候总在躺椅上和一个隐形人玩躲猫猫的游戏。My son was always playing with an unseen figure.Peek-a-boo over the back of the recliner one time when he was one-year-old.

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我儿子一岁大的时候总在躺椅上和一个隐形人玩躲猫猫的游戏。My son was always playing with an unseen figure. Peek-a-boo over the back of the recliner one time when he was one-year-old.

我们有我们特别单独的时间,当我看电视,我在躺椅主席,我相信她期待着每一天。We have our special alone time when I watch television in my recliner chair, which I believe she looks forward to every day.

父亲离开了他的活动躺椅,坐到了长沙发一侧的扶手上。出于呵护,他本能地用手臂搂住了母亲。My father moves from his recliner and perches on the arm of the couch. He protectively , instinctively, wraps his arm around my mother.

而在宾夕法尼亚的东南部,一名84岁的老人躺在睡椅上小憩,被大雪积压而倒向其房屋的树木砸死。In southeastern Pennsylvania, an 84-year-old man was killed when a snow-laden tree fell on his home while he was napping in his recliner.

在老人生命的最后72小时里,我就在她老人家旁边的一张升降病床上睡着陪她,而那时候奥斯卡就会到病房里走动,在我身边蹭来蹭去,很亲昵的样子。In the last 72 hours of her life, when I was sleeping in a recliner next to my mother, Oscar would wander into the room and snuggle next to me.

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这是一个周四的夜晚,在巴尔的摩郡的催眠戒烟治疗中心,刚过而立之年的Mike坐在一张肮脏的躺椅上。On a recent Thursday night, sitting in a grungy recliner at the Stop Smoking Hypnosis Clinic of Baltimore County, the middle-aged man shrugs his shoulders.

你最喜欢的橄榄球队达拉斯牛仔队正和印第安纳波利斯小马队比赛,你斜靠在躺椅边上,此刻比分为28-27,比赛还剩下最后的三十秒。Your favorite football team is the Dallas Cowboys and they are playing the Indianapolis Colts. You are on the edge of your recliner as the score is 28-27 with 30 seconds left.