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有什么禁忌症吗?What contraindication does it have?

百日咳、白喉、破伤风混合疫苗禁忌症。Whooping cough, diphtheria, tetanus mixed vaccine contraindication.

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HRT不应成为这类肿瘤的绝对禁忌。In short, HRT shouldn t become the Absolute contraindication of these tumors.

然而,一个选择性的,供机器可读的禁忌症规则也存在。However, an alternative for machine readable contraindication rules also exists.

所以,重度糖尿病不应该再被认为是心脏移植的一个相对禁忌症。Consequently, advanced DM should no longer be a relative contraindication for heart transplantation.

同时,对于穿刺术及其安全性、禁忌、穿刺结果解释,我们也详加以讨论。Technic of tapping its safety contraindication and interpretation of positive results are also discussed.

结论80岁以上高龄病人并非手术治疗的禁忌症。Conclusion The patients with biliary tract disease over 80 years is not the contraindication of operation.

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明显纵隔、肺门结构变形可视为手术禁忌症。Obvious deformity of the mediastinal structures and the hilum is a contraindication for lung cancer surgery.

结论随着新技术、新器械的不断发展,腹腔镜手术的禁忌证逐渐减少。The contraindication of laparoscopy become decreasing along with the de eloping of new technique and apparatus.

同样地,每日使用固定剂量的强体松是进行免疫接种的禁忌症。Similarly, the use of daily prednisone at certain doses may be a contraindication to vaccination, he pointed out.

气虚、血虚、阴虚可作为混苯暴露人员职业禁忌证的中医易感性指标。Qi-deficiency, blood-deficiency and yin-deficiency may be the susceptible markers of benzene-exposure contraindication.

虽然西瓜是很好的减肥食品,但吃西瓜也有禁忌。不能一次吃得过多。Although watermelon is very good food reducing weight, but eat watermelon to also have contraindication. Cannot overfeeding.

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目的探讨小儿腹股沟嵌顿疝手法复位的方法、适应证及禁忌证。Objective To explore the method, indication, and contraindication of technique diaplasis of incarcerated hernia in children.

结论一定要强调双胍类药物的禁忌症,提倡合理用药,避免滥用。Conclusion It is important to emphasis the Contraindication of biguanides, and advocate rational use, and try to avoid abusing.

目的探讨立体定向放射治疗肺癌的适应症、禁忌症和近期疗效。Objective To study the indication, contraindication and short-term clinical effects of stereotactic radiotherapy in lung cancer.

制定合理的血液透析方案,选择适当的时机、适应症和禁忌症。CASE REPORT The method of hemodialysis was reasonably made, and an opportune moment, indication and contraindication were selected.

结论用五灵脂丸治疗瘢痕疙瘩,特别是对有激素使用禁忌症者是一种很好的治疗方法。Conclusion Wulingzhi Pills can be administrated for the patients with keloid, especially for those with contraindication to hormones.

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本文重点介绍尿激酶溶栓机制、临床应用范围,治疗方法、禁忌证、和副作用等。We mainly introduce the mechanism of thrombolysis by urokinase, clinical utility, therapeutic method, adverse reaction and contraindication.

然而,并存其它疾病如潜在的心脏病或肺部并发症则是禁忌,应先予以明确。However, co-morbid conditions can be a contraindication such as underlying heart disease or pulmonary complications should be addressed first.

现就此项技术的应用、穿刺部位、方法、禁忌症以及注意事项作一总结。The application, puncture position, method, contraindication of the technique and what should be noted during operation are summarized in this article.