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千百万的中国战争受害者,没有得到日本政府的赔偿。Millions of Chinese war victims are uncompensated by the Japanese government.

医院将不被允许获得这方面给患者治疗的偿付。And hospitals won't be allowed to pass along the costs of uncompensated care to patients.

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这项立法的目的是减少银行因提供服务而产生的得不到补偿的费用支出。This legislation is aimed at reducing banks' uncompensated expenses related to servicing.

工厂工人不收工钱早出晚归,周末安排的培训也不会有补偿。Factory workers arrive early and stay late, without pay. Training at weekends may be uncompensated.

人力资源经理理应为相当于更多的无偿加班时间而欣喜不已。Human-resource managers would understandably rejoice at what amounts to more uncompensated overtime.

外部性是指一个人的行为对旁观者福利的补偿的影响。Externalities are defined as the uncompensated impact of one person's actions on the well-being of a bystander.

几乎每波外电集中对中国事件的报道,背后都有他的无偿贡献。Almost every mass coverage of incidents in China reflects his uncompensated contribution somewhere in the background.

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同时纳税人的成本会进一步增加,需要为没有能力负担保险的人提供价值数十亿美元的医疗服务,这些服务都是无偿的。Taxpayers’ costs would rise to pay for billions of dollars in uncompensated care given to individuals who can’t pay for it.

就像员工之间不能合作会伤害公司里的每个员工一样,任何员工无法最大程度地发挥他或她的能力都会给整个公司造成损失。For instance, an employee with team spirit might put in uncompensated overtime to help a co-worker finish a project before a big deadline.

因此,二次间接效用函数是那么有吸引力,因为无偿需求函数非直线在参数。Thus, the quadratic indirect utility function is less attractive because the uncompensated demand functions are non-linear in the parameters.

我们不接受任何形式的强迫劳动、非自愿或无补偿的工作,包括所有形式的强迫协议和非法劳工。No form of forced labour or involuntary or uncompensated work will be accepted. This includes all forms of compulsory agreements and illegal labour.

准确可靠地获得剩余离心加速度对于摆式列车正确倾摆和安全运行至关重要。It is vital for the safety of tilting train to tilt correctly, and one precondition is to detect the uncompensated acceleration accurately and reliably.

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直接用厚度法制作发育史剖面仅考虑到补偿性沉积,而忽视了非补偿沉积。One only tends to think of compensation sedimentation, but neglect uncompensated sedimentation in compiling structural growth section by thickness method.

仅靠这些专利上的防御措施也不能避免传统药物知识和生物资源被一些国家无偿占用。Only with these defensive measures in the patent protection, knowledge of traditional medicine and bioresourse can not be protected from being uncompensated use.

理论分析认为,合金在不可补缩区的冷却速率变化是改变合金热裂程度的重要因素。The solidification analysis on shot cracking proved that hot cracking was influenced by the cooling rate of alloy under uncompensated stage of solidification process.

前渊盆地快速沉降过程中发育欠补偿生油凹陷,在前陆隆起阻挡作用下隆后盆地形成半局限环境生油凹陷。A uncompensated oil generation sag formed when foredeep basin rapidly subsided, and back-bulge basin developed into a semi-restricted oil generation sag under the blockage of foreland uplift.