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出租车司机气得大吼一声。The cabby gave vent to an angry shout.

“哦,那是糖。”马车夫说。"Ah, that'd be sugar, " said the Cabby.

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“嘘!”马车夫说。他们都在听着。"Hush! " said the Cabby. They all listened.

司机大哥,我想上一位乘客把他的皮夹留在这儿了。Cabby , I think your last passenger left his wallet.

汤姆的父亲在纽约市当计程车司机维生。Tom's father makes his living as a cabby in New York City.

我看见上面窗子里有个年轻的姑娘,“马车夫回答说。"I saw a young girl up in that winder, " returned the cabby.

最后一句是对刚刚到达的波莉和马车夫说的。The last words were spoken to Polly and the Cabby who had now arrived.

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马车夫吃惊地张大了嘴,他妻子的脸也红了。The Cabby opened his mouth in astonishment, and his wife turned very red.

不出两分钟,我被司机赶了下来——因为我太臭了。Two minutes later the cabby kicked me out of his cab because I stunk. FML

“大家别吵,”马车夫说,“我想听听这音乐。”"Old your noise, everyone, " said the Cabby. "I want to listen to the moosic. "

“大家别吵,”马车夫说,“我想听听这音乐。”"'Old your noise, everyone, " said the Cabby. "I want to listen to the moosic. "

马车夫对人生的看法是由他马车的形状而成的,这可能是真的。It is probably true that the cabby 's view of life is formed by the shape of his cab.

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车夫鞭打他的马,使它做出飞奔的样子,不过还是比较快。The cabby beat his horse into a sort of imitation gallop, which was fairly fast, however.

“多奇妙啊!”马车夫说,“如果我早知道世上还有这么美好的事,我这辈子就会做一个更好的人。”"Glory be! " said the Cabby. "I'd ha' been a better man all my life if I'd known there were things like this. "

快看!我们把那匹老马也带来了,还有凯特利先生,还有马车夫。乱七八糟的!Oh look! We've-brought the old horse with us too. And Mr Ketterley. And the Cabby. This is a pretty kettle of fish!

你可能会认为,这些动物非常愚蠢,没能一眼就看出安德鲁舅舅和那两个孩子以及马车夫是同类。You may think the animals were very stupid not to see at once that Uncle Andrew was the same kind of creature as the two children and the Cabby.

纽约市大都会出租车行业商会得知罗恩·瑟斯顿也是出租车司机后,已支付了朱利安的姐姐克莱尔和罗恩飞往纽约的费用。New York's Metropolitan Taxicab Board of Trade, learning that Ron Thurston was a fellow cabby , had already paid for Julian's sister Claire and Ron to fly to New York.

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卢克再次开始吮吸起父亲破旧的通讯器,偶尔自得其乐地唧咕几句,咯咯傻笑一下,对出租车司机关于绝地和绝地卫生习惯的评论毫不在意。Luke, who once again was chewing on his father's mangled com, occasionally cooed and chuckled merrily to himself, blissfully unconcerned with the cabby 's remarks about Jedi and their bathing habits.