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象你这样的一个牧师,必须结婚。A clergyman like you must marry.

“我的确十分相信这一点,”牧师回答说。"I do verily believe it," answered the clergyman.

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一名牧师照着祈祷书念祷文。A clergyman read the liturgy from the prayer-book.

这位教士被请到该大教堂担任有俸圣职。The clergyman has been benefice in that cathedral.

这位教士被请到该大教堂担任有俸圣职。The clergyman has been beneficed in that cathedral.

牧师对我们进行了每周一次的心理咨询。The clergyman set up weekly counseling appointments for us.

现年63岁的阮文黎神父目前住在他的家乡顺化。The 63-year-old clergyman is staying in his hometown of Hue.

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他们全说他对城里的老牧师太傲慢啦。They all say he is so arrogant to old clergyman of the city.

但是他被送到哈佛学院学习成为一名牧师。But he was sent to Harvard College to study to be a clergyman.

罗马天主教或盎格鲁教的牧师或神父。A priest or clergyman in the Roman Catholic or Anglican churches.

这位美国出身的穆斯林牧师被控支持基地组织。The American-born Muslim clergyman is accused of supporting al-Qaida.

这是一种给这位牧师带来极大痛苦的放弃。It was an abnegation that brought with it much suffering for the clergyman.

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那敏感的牧师怀着神经质的恐惧,将身子一缩,躲开了那轻飘的飞弹。The sensitive clergyman shrunk, with nervous dread, from the light missile.

宾荷尔是圣工会教士,又是南安普敦一所公立文法学校校监。John Pinhorne, a clergyman in Southampton who maintained a Free Grammar School.

另一次,她同牧师在森林会面,便提醒牧师防备齐灵沃思。In a second interview in the forest she warns the clergyman against Chillingworth.

美国出生的伊斯兰牧师被指责支持阿依达。TheAmericanbomberAmerican-born Muslim clergyman is accused of supporting al-Qaida.

英国亚述学家亨利·克雷奇克·罗林森和爱尔兰牧师爱德华·辛克斯WHO? British Assyriologist Henry Creswicke Rawlinson and Irish clergyman Edward Hincks

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第七个私人人对他们有了,很久以前,被一个牧师在德累斯顿城。The seventh private who spoke to them had, once upon a time, been a clergyman in Dresden.

她母亲坐在那儿和牧师谈话的当儿,珠儿并不觉得时间过得无聊。Pearl had not found the hour pass wearisomely, while her mother sat talking with the clergyman.

她母亲坐在那儿和牧师谈话确当儿,珠儿并不觉得时间过得无聊。Pearl had not found the hour pass wearisomely, while her mother sat talking with the clergyman.