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债券持有人在每半年支付一次的息票获得的利息。For example, the interest earned by a bondholder between semiannual coupon payments.

可兑换债券是可以按持票人的选择权兑换成普通股票的债券。A convertible bond is one which may be exchanged for common stock at the option of the bondholder.

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经过修正的计划削减了对银行的回报,提升对债券持有人的回报.该份计划是在1月提交的.The revised plan, submitted in January, trimmed payouts to the banks, while raising bondholder payouts.

另外,压力,以增加销售,因为债券持有人可以自己争取较高的一个新的工具。Also, the pressure to sell rises, since the bondholder can himself get a higher rate with a new instrument.

非普通类型的债券,允许债券持有人在到期日以特定的价格优先购回。Uncommon type of bond which allows the bondholder to redeem the bond at a specified price prior to maturity.

当病人去世后,这位仍活着的持有者就可以要求发债方按面值赎回债券,并有可能很快实现盈利。When the bondholder dies, the surviving owner can then redeem them at face value and potentially turn a quick profit.

无记名公司债券的转让,由债券持有人将该债券交付给受让人后即发生转让的效力。The transfer of unregistered corporate bonds takes effect as soon as the bondholder delivers the bonds to the transferee.

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含股票认购权的公司债,可按约定的换股价将债券转换成发行公司的股票。Convertible bond are bonds that are convertible ino shares of common stock, at a fixed price, at the option of the bondholder.

如果关键问题是银行偿付能力,那么通过持券人减省将债务转成股权就是最佳解决方案。If the key issue is bank solvency, converting debt to equity via bondholder haircuts presents an elegant solution to the problem.

一种购买某公司的普通股或公司债券的选择权,通常是由想分享该公司利润增长的债券持有人所购买。A convertible bond is one which may be exchanged at the option of the bondholder for a specified number of shares of common stock.

等于票面利率除以债券不带息的价格,是一种反映债券持有人所获收益的指标。A measure of the return to a bondholder which is calculated as the face value of interest rate divided by the clean price of the bond.

债券政府或公司发行的计息证券,要求发行人按照一定的日期向债券持有人支付一定金额。An interest-bearing government or corporate security that obligates the issuer to make specified payments on a specific schedule to the bondholder.

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无记名公司债券的转让,由债券持有人将该债券交付给受让人后即发生转让的效力。Where bearer corporate bonds are transferred, the transfer shall become effective immediately after a bondholder delivers such bonds to a transferee.

一种购买某公司的普通股或公司债券的选择权,通常是由想分享该公司利润增长的债券持有人所购买。Option to purchase ordinary share or bond of a particular company, usually purchased by bondholder wanting to participate in profit growth of that company.

路透周六援引一知情人士的话报导称,CIT一直在与债权人谈判,以敲定一救助融资协议.CIT has been in talks with the bondholder group to hammer out the rescue financing deal, Reuters reported on Saturday, citing a source close to the situation.

一些国家推动就债券持有人损失规模重新展开谈判的做法,导致欧元区内部出现了分歧,法国和欧洲央行带头反对。The push from some countries to reopen negotiations about bondholder losses has split the eurozone with France and the European Central Bank leading the opposition.

债券是政府或公司发行并定期支付给持有者一定金额的有息证券。A bond is an interest-bearing government or corporate security that usually obligates the issuer to make specified payments on a specific schedule to the bondholder.

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股东在最后才得到支付,而正是由于这种额外的风险,股东相对债券持有者而言要求一个更高的期望收益。The common shareholder stands last in line to be paid, and because of this additional risk the shareholder demands a higher expected return than does the bondholder.

文章先从债权人会议的相关基础理论出发,论述了债权人会议的法律性质及在破产程序中的地位。First of all the thesis states the relevant basic theory of bondholder meeting, secondly, it describes its law characters as well as the position in the bankruptcy process.

弧度已指示服务公司全球债券持有人尽快回归市场街保管信托我以前投证券各自持有人。Radian has instructed Global Bondholder Services Corporation to promptly return the previously tendered securities of Market Street Custodial Trust I to their respective holders.