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她谈笑风声地谈论艺术。She talked gaily of art.

王子幸福快活地跳着舞。Gaily and happily the prince danced.

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我们又愉快地折回泥泞的道路。And we gaily return to the miry path.

所以到头来只能胡猜。And so they wind up by guess and by gaily.

她兴高采烈,大谈艺术、文学、音乐。She talked gaily of art and literature and music.

那小女孩一路上“兴高采烈”地说个不停。The little girl was chattering gaily all the way.

全体工作人同结队走过张灯结彩的院子。The staff trooped through the gaily decorated court.

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她的玉米色的鬈发妩媚地挂在她的脸上。Her corn-coloured ringlets hung gaily about her face.

钟里的小鸟愉快地跳出来,“布谷布谷”地叫着。The bird in the clock gaily hops out and says cuckoo.

她轻率地宣布第二天就要走了。She gaily announced that she was leaving the next day.

为什么人不高心时不能控制自己的情绪呢?Why person not gaily when incontrollable Where is oneself mood?

淑女们披着皮裘,绅士们身着大衣,在这凛冽的严寒中欢天喜地地走来走去。Women in furs and men in greatcoats moved gaily in the wintry air.

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断尾,欢快地举着,但决不能翻卷在背上。Tail is docked and well set on, carried gaily but never over the back.

那字母绣得那么鲜艳,戴在你胸前,恰到好处地显示了你的勇敢!The letter is gaily embroidered, and shows right bravely on your bosom!

家中的大黄迎上来,欢快地绕着仨人跳跃。The yellow dog at home is coming up and gaily around three people jump.

于是我快乐地笑着,并嘲笑他们竟会怀疑我的爱情。So I chaffed them and I gaily laughed to think they could doubt my love.

这不过是这位打扮华丽的小女孩生命中的又一次冒险。It's just another adventure in the life of a little girl with a flair for dressing gaily.

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在你那些耀眼的沙龙里,在那些我讨厌的舞会里快乐地闲聊。In all your glittering salons. Gossiping gaily with balls I detest, soaking myself in Champagne.

这时分人人觉得比前夕更加开心,营火发出噼啪的响声,传来士兵的歌声。Even more gaily than on the previous night the bivouac fires crackled, and the soldiers sang their songs.

新婚夫妇找来合适的工具和材料,喜气洋洋地开始布置新房。Armed with the right tools and materials, newlyweds gaily embark on the task of decorating their own homes.