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建筑者司职营造。A builder is one who builds.

他与一建筑工人订了师徒合同。He is indenture to a builder.

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友情是团结的建造师。Friendship is a builder of unity.

他是一个殖民者,帝国建造者。He is the colonist , the empire builder.

我付给建造商修房顶的钱。I paid the builder for mending the roof.

建筑者估计这个活儿需要每小时15个人干。The builder reckons 15 man-hours for the job.

建筑者估计这个活儿需要15个工时。The builder reckons 15 man-hours for the job.

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建筑工人用水泥砌牢石板。The builder bedded the flagstones in concrete.

你们要做愤世嫉俗者,超级变态机战私服,还是踏实的建设者?。Will you be a cynic, or will you be a builder?

建筑小子鲍勃仅仅是吸引人的景点之一。Bob The Builder was just one of the attractions.

列表6展示的是这个生成器的实现。Listing 6 shows the contents of the builder file.

14岁时,我拜一个建筑工人为师当学徒。I was apprenticed to a builder when I was fourteen.

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上海申龙得到评委会的一致好评,获得“年度巴士制造商”奖项。Sunlong got the award of "Bus Builder of the Year".

建筑商说他的男工第二天就开始干活。The builder said his men would start work the next day.

这将创建与其相关联的一个本性和构建程序。This creates a nature and a builder associated with it.

他是个成功的商人,一个造船商。He seemed to be a successful businessman,a ship builder.

营造者的拒绝是很婉转的,这人无往而不婉转。The builder refused genially, as he did everything else.

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建筑者没有察觉到时代的建筑要求。The builder didn't observe the building codes of the time.

建筑者用主根粗木梁把墙支住。The builder shored up the wall with a thick baulk of wood.

那名设计者为该公司设计了一个新的购物中心。The builder designed a new shopping center for the company.