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什么是切分音?What is syncopation?

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切分音在哪里Where's the syncopation?

第一个是切分音The first is syncopation.

当然,切分音和蓝调只是爵士的一部分。Of course syncopation and blues are only part of the jazz picture.

好了,这就是切分音,也并非很难理解Okay. So that's what syncopation is and it isn't much more difficult than that.

分词典型设计,有正向最大切分法MM与逆向最大切分法RMM!Sub-dictionary design, has a positive maximum syncopation MM and reverse maximum syncopation RMM!

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爵士乐把狂热的切分音和美妙的旋律结合起来形成很酷的有机整体。Jazz brings together frenetic syncopation with beautiful melodies to create one very cool package.

有一套指令,能帮助能量场合成以进入当下时间。There is a set of commands that assist with the syncopation of field for the purposes of being in present time.

这种维生素B帮助维持心脏和静脉及毛细血管之间的流程切分。This form of vitamin B helps sustain the syncopation of movement between the heart and the veins and capillaries.

所以,从散拍音乐的切分音和蓝调音阶到大乐团和即兴演奏,爵士的起源还真是复杂。So from ragtime's syncopation and the blues scales to big bands and improvisation, jazz has some complicated roots.

在切分音里,冲动会突然打乱节拍,让音乐听起来突兀,奔放With syncopation the impulse can come suddenly off the beat, and it gives it a little snap or jazzy aspect to the music.

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在切分音里,冲动会突然打乱节拍,让音乐听起来突兀,奔放。With syncopation the impulse can come suddenly off the beat, and it gives it a little snap or jazzy aspect to the music.

英、汉两种语言语音间除切分音位与音节结构的相似性外,其实在这两种语言中音调的音高变化趋势方面也有一定的相似性。In a word, the similarities not only exist in syncopation and syllable structure, but also in the changing trend of inflection.

我们想要强调这个切分,然后,当然,在强拍的位置就不发声了,这才构成切分音So, we wanted to bang that syncopation and then, of course, there's no sound on the downbeat over here to make the syncopation work.

我们想要强调这个切分,然后,当然,在强拍的位置就不发声了,这才构成切分音。So, we wanted to bang that syncopation and then, of course, there's no sound on the downbeat over here to make the syncopation work.

爵士乐从散拍音乐借用了切分音的节奏,也正是切分音为今日爵士乐注入了生气与活力。Jazz music borrowed syncopated rhythms from ragtime, and syncopation is what makes jazz the lively, energetic music that it is today.

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所以切分音就是插入的一个冲动,也可以说是一次"撞击",出现在一个我们意料之外的位置So what syncopation is is simply the insertion of an impulse, a "Hit" If you will, at a metrical place that we do not expect it to be.

所以切分音就是插入的一个冲动,也可以说是一次“撞击”,出现在一个我们意料之外的位置。So what syncopation is is simply the insertion of an impulse, a "Hit" If you will, at a metrical place that we do not expect it to be.

随着每一次的吸入和呼出,非物质与物质联合而带来物质与非物质在切分中的进化。With each inhale and exhale, nonphysical and physical align to bring about physical evolution in syncopation with nonphysical evolution.