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LH则涉及对排卵的控制。LH is involved in triggering ovulation.

排卵迹象和征候通常很微妙。Ovulation signs and symptoms are often subtle.

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排卵期与产卵期出现重叠。The periods of ovulation and spawning overlaps.

一旦排卵恢复则有可能受孕。Once ovulation resumes, you can become pregnant.

迷你避孕丸有时也会抑制排卵。The minipill also sometimes suppresses ovulation.

排卵是指卵从卵巢中排出。Ovulation is the release of an egg from the ovary.

黄体期的长度决定了月经周期内排卵的时间。I was not there ovulation ah, luteal or inadequate?

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这个时间点是最不可能排卵的。This should be the longest point away from ovulation.

当我停药后会正常排卵吗?Once I stop taking the pill, will ovulation be normal?

排卵期过后行房事会怀孕吗?Intercourse after ovulation the line would be pregnant?

柜台上出售的排卵预测试剂也是有效的。Over-the –counter ovulation predictor kits are also available.

女性的排卵期可以引起基础体温轻微升高。Ovulation may cause a slight increase in basal body temperature.

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畸形蛋很常见,一般是由于母鸡双排卵造成的。Misshapen eggs are common produced as a result of double ovulation.

促排卵治疗后,又有29例妊娠。And other 29 cases had pregnancy after ovulation induction treatment.

除此之外,你还可以尝试非处方排卵测定产品。In addition, you might want to try an over-the-counter ovulation kit.

有几种工具可以帮助确定排卵的时间。There are several tools to help determine when ovulation might occur.

排卵后体温会升高,经期前体温会降下来。Body temperature rises after ovulation and drops just before a period.

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第二,也是一种更“科学“的方法就是用检测棒来追踪荷尔蒙。A second, more “sciencey” method uses ovulation kits to track hormones.

在真正的排卵期,有一些迹象是你可以注意到的。During the actual ovulation period, there are a number of telltale signs.

过多的雄激素导致不规则排卵或不排卵和闭经。Excess androgens can cause irregular or absent ovulation and menstruation.