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研究新词要有动态眼光。A dynamic attitude toward neologism is desirable.

她急忙采用了报刊上流行的一种新词语。He caught up a popular neologism from the newspapers.

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她急忙采用了报刊上流行的一种新词语。She caught up a popular neologism from the newspapers.

上海日报报道说,一个汉语新词“给力”,看看围观。The Sha recentghai Daily reported that a Chinese neologism.

旧义位的新用法有的能产生新词,有的不能。The new usage of an old sememe may or may not be a neologism.

每一次像样的技术性崩溃事件都应该有个专属新词。Every decent technological meltdown deserves its own neologism

第四章,新词新语对壮、泰语的影响。The fourth chapter, the influence neologism has to Zhuang and Thai.

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从语义泛化角度探讨新词语。This article approaches neologism from the angle of semantic extension.

“新词语”在词汇史研究中是一个重要概念。"Neologism" is an important concept in the research of lexical history.

本文旨在对汉语新词的英译进行相关的研究。This thesis makes a study on Chinese neologism translation into English.

最后文章还阐述了新词新语对壮、泰语的影响。At last, the article shows the influence neologism has to Zhuang and Thai.

一方面,应该承认英汉新词翻译的重要作用。On the one hand, the significance of E-C neologism translation should be acknowledged.

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“方便用户的”这个词是从计算机业进入了日常用语的新词。The term "use-friendly" is a neologism that has come into everyday speech from the computer industry.

略去了介词,这个新词语如今正在英国扎了根。But the American phrase "grown man " leaves out the preposition and this neologism is now taking hold in Britain.

第四部分我们考察了新兴双音词语素义与词义之间的关系。Chapter four we focus on the relationship between the morpheme meaning to the meaning of the disyllabic neologism.

第四章主要是阐述新词新语的词形与词义之间复杂的关系。The fourth chapter speaks of the complex relation between the morphology and acceptation of neology and neologism.

希望本文能为更好地理解英汉新词翻译的功能性提供些许的帮助。It is hoped that this thesis can help have a better understanding of the function operated by E-C neologism translation.

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科学上的新词本身就是自我意识到的语言演化的结果,就像科学是自我意识到的常识一样。Scientific neologism is itself just linguistic evolution gone self-conscious, as science is self-conscious common sense.

本文从八个方面对当代汉语新词语作了定量考察与定性分析。This paper studies neologism of mandarin of the time from eight aspects by way of quantitative and qualitative analysis.

特别要说的是“百度知道”,当你遇到一个新造词或你字典里没有的成语,它会非常有用。Baidu Zhidao, in particular, is very useful for when you come across a neologism or a chengyu that isn’t in your dictionaries.