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雷德蒙先生,见到您很荣幸。Charmed to see you, Mr. Redond.

他似有符咒护身。It seemed as if he had a charmed life.

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她的到来驱散了他的一切悲痛。Her coming charmed away all his sorrow.

是真的吗?被下了摘不掉的咒?Is it really? Charmed to be irremovable?

她的美貌迷住了所有参加晚会的人。Her beauty charmed everyone at the party.

曾经魅惑他的事物现在使他厌恶。That which once charmed him now nauseates.

不知为什么,我竟迷恋于她的世界。I don't know why, I was charmed by her world.

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他被这名年轻女子的娇羞笑脸迷住了。He was charmed by the young woman's coy smile.

她甜润的嗓子使听众如醉如痴。She charmed her listeners with her sweet voice.

溅满鲜血的脸上露出了笑容。A blood-spattered smile charmed across her face.

她的活泼与兴高采烈的情绪把他迷住了。He was charmed by her vivacity and high spirits.

她的风姿吸引了晚会上所有的人。Her graciousness charmed everyone all the party.

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他的妻子诱使他给她买了一件皮大衣。His wife charmed him into buying her a fur coat.

医生们也被她不可战胜的精神迷住了。The doctors were charmed by her undefeatable spirit.

这个老巫婆使村里所有的动物都中了魔法。The old witch charmed all the animals in that village.

这个老巫婆用咒语使公主中了魔。The wicked old woman charmed the princess with magic words.

我们陶醉在这里的绿水青山之中。We were charmed with the blue hills and green streams here.

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相信每一个人都势必会被那个巨大的毛绒黄瓜吸引住。And one will definitely be charmed by giant plush cucumbers.

孩子们听这位水手的冒险故事听得入了迷。The children were charmed by the sailor's tales of adventure.

他还在星期天早晨下厨做煎饼来讨好奥丽维娅和艾碧。He charmed Olivia and Abby by making pancakes on Sunday mornings.