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他把自己的大衣刷干净。He brushed his coat clean.

她的嘴唇轻触了他的鼻子。Her lips brushed his nose.

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他触到了那张书桌。He brushed against the desk.

他轻轻地刷墙。He brushed the wall lightly.

我很羞愧,脸一下子就红了。At once I brushed with shame.

他的汽车擦着我的汽车开过去。His car brushed against mine.

凉风掠面。A cool breeze brushed my face.

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他对我的反对置之不理。He brushed away my objections.

她刷去我衣服上的灰尘。She brushed the dirt off my coat.

她给我刷掉外套上的灰尘。She brushed the dust off my coat.

豌豆打了尖,葫芦支上了棍。Peas were brushed and gourds poled.

蜘蛛网轻拂我的前额。The spider web brushed my forehead.

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他拂去了头发上的蜘蛛丝。He brushed a cobweb out of his hair.

所有的恳求都被置之不理。All the pleadings were brushed aside.

他的意见不能漠然视之。His opinions cannot be brushed aside.

这男孩刷去了帽子上的灰。The boy brushed the dust off his cap.

他刷去了夹克上的绒毛。He brushed some fluff from his jacket.

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草儿的叶片拂过她的脸庞。Blades of green grass brushed her face.

当他离开房间时,他从我身旁擦过。He brushed by me when he left his room.

他刷去夹克上的食物碎屑。He brushed the oddments from his jacket.