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我这也许太拘谨了。Perhaps it was too prudish.

相比之下电影为什么会如此谨慎?Why are the movies so prudish in comparison?

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美国的新闻记者可能会有些古板。America 's journalists can be a little prudish.

她拘谨得听不得粗俗得笑话。She gave a prudish refusal to enjoy rude jokes.

现在,人们已经变得更加拘谨。In my lifetime, people have become more prudish in one way.

法国的开国之父们没有过分正经的烦恼。No prudish worries inhibited the fathers of the French nation.

她也有非常健全的人格,她可以完全不理会别的女孩认为她”过于拘谨“。She had enough strength of character not to care if the other girls thought her prudish.

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而现实生活中,美国人爆粗口时相当谨慎。In real life, however, Americans are quite prudish when it comes to using strong language.

另一个“温和”的原因,就是某些无聊的平台厂商以他们的“审查之手”硬装活菩萨。Another reason for the blandness is the dull censoring hand of the platform holders who are amazingly prudish.

从最为正经规矩到最为伤风败俗的性行为模式业已被密切监视好几年了。From the most prudish to the most risquésexual behavioral patterns have been asubject of intense scrutiny for years.

当奥巴马意识到他的评论可能会冒犯到常常过分拘谨的美国公众时,他恳求记者们“放总统一马”。When Obama realised his comment might cause offence to an often prudish American public he pleaded with the journalist to "cut the president some slack".

到后来,她突然间靠向威尔逊,然后,威尔逊退缩,转向离开,然后他暴露出他可憎的喋喋不休,假装规矩。Toward the end, she suddenly comes on to Wilson, whereupon he recoils and backs away, exposed, for all his obscene chatter, as the prudish kid that he is.

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它致力于恢复性隐私和性公域之间的平衡,它们已经被卫道士和拘泥的政客严重歪曲。It is an attempt to restore the balance between sexual privacy and sexual publicity that has been severely distorted by morals campaigners and prudish politicians.

维多利亚女皇非常保守,她禁止了所有关于裸体的描写,唯独对上层社会例外,因为他们认为这些人有强烈的道德观念,可以应付得了这些图像。The Victorians were a prudish bunch and they outlawed depiction of nudity for all but the upper class, who they felt had the moral strength to cope with the images.

在过分拘谨的美国,比基尼一直被成功的抵制,直到60年代早期兴起的年轻人解放运动才把这款泳衣大体上带到了美国的沙滩。In prudish America, the bikini was successfully resisted until the early 1960s, when a new emphasis on youthful liberation brought the swimsuit en masse to U.S. beaches.

他说,做为一个一向以性观念十分保守而著称的国度,印度政府直到2、3年以前还依然否定该国存在着颇为严重的艾滋病问题。He added that until two or three years ago India's government "was in denial mode" over the issue of HIV in a country known for its traditionally prudish attitudes toward sex.

而有时保守的审查者也会过于灵活,让一些儿童不宜的内容出现在了荧幕上,这个人群在中国和别处一样,都非常容易受到影响。And even the prudish standards of the censors are sometimes flexible enough to allow content that might shock children, who are just as impressionable in China as anywhere else.