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诱引一颗初升的星化为一个震颤。To tempt a first star to a tremor.

一阵若有若无的颤动表明这些蘑菇是安全可食用的。A feeble tremor indicates that it's safe to eat.

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那么下一次感受到地面震动时该怎么做呢?What should you do the next time you feel a tremor?

维姬拿起杯子,毫不颤抖,坚定地一饮而尽。She took the glass and drank steadily, without a tremor.

该震动导致受灾地区大范围停电。The tremor caused widespread blackouts in affected areas.

在缅甸的内陆交接国泰国,很多地区都有震感。The tremor was felt in many parts of neighbouring Thailand.

放个屁声音大点儿三楼的楼板都震颤。Put ass sound a little on the third floor large floor are tremor.

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甘肃陇南市武都区有轻微震感。Longnan City in Gansu Province Wudu area a slight tremor was felt.

有些时候这些断裂非常小,我们仅仅能感到微小的颤动。Sometime these faults are very small, and we then feel only little tremor.

官方数据显示在这场6.9级大地震中死亡的人数已经上升到2039人。The official death toll from the 6.9-magnitude tremor has now reached 2, 039.

萨沙由于满心感激而发抖,把一个大烛台放在医师面前。And sasha all of a tremor with gratitude set the candelabra before the doctor.

萨沙由于满心感激而发抖,把一个大烛台放在医师面前。And sasha all of a tremor with gratitude set the candela bra before the doctor.

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地颤使镇中心摇晃时,工作人员都各自逃命。Office workers ran for their lives as an earth tremor shook the center of town.

能降低心肌的兴奋性,对心房纤维震颤有治疗作用。Can reduce the excitability of myocardium and treatment of atrial fibers tremor.

动态手震会在病人有意识的动作下明显化,通常与小脑疾病有关。Action tremor is worst during intention movement and occurs in cerebellar disease.

神户地震的规模仅稍大于诺斯里奇地震,造成的灾情却严重得多。The Kobe quake was only slightly bigger than Northridge tremor but more disastrous.

距离瓦尔帕莱索约100公里的首都圣地亚哥有轻微震感。Valparaiso, about 100 kilometers from Santiago, there was a slight tremor was felt.

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这种颤动甚至轻到最精密的设备才可能记录它们。The tremor may even be so light that only the most delicate machine will record it.

忽然,一阵轻风吹过,天空仿佛在亲吻我的前额。Suddenly there was a tremor in the air, and the sky seemed to kiss me on my forehead.

微震,脉动由自然现象,如风或强海波引起的轻微地球震动。A faint earth tremor caused by natural phenomena such as winds and strong ocean waves.