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大夫只得给他一帖强力镇静剂,让他吃了睡觉。The doctor had to put him to sleep with a strong sedative.

结论冬虫夏草发酵液具有一定的镇静催眠作用。Conclusion FBCS possesses the sedative and hypnotic effects.

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目的研究安神胶囊的镇静催眠作用。Objective To study sedative hypnotic action of Anshen capsule.

罗通定鼻腔喷雾剂的研发为临床患者用药提供一种新的选择。It is expected to provide a new dosage form of sedative and hypnotic.

服用过镇静剂以后,他过于激动的情绪逐渐趋缓。His over-excited emotions gradually calmed down after taking the sedative.

医生给她一种镇静药后她睡了八小时。The doctor gave her a sedative medicine and she then slept for eight hours.

它们是一些抗组胺剂,具有镇静剂一般的副作用。There are antihistamines, like Benadryl , which have a sedative side effect.

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缬草是安全有效的镇静剂,对大多数儿童很有效。Valerian is a safe and effective sedative with reliable results for most kids.

所述药物组合物的第一种组分是镇静剂艾司佐匹克隆。The first component of the pharmaceutical composition is a sedative eszopiclone.

不需要麻醉,尽管有些妇女希望服轻微镇静药。No anesthesia is necessary, although some women may wish to have a mild sedative.

用酸枣仁及壳对小鼠进行了镇静实验,同时对生熟枣仁做了比较。The sedative experiment of zizyphus jujuba and its shell vas was studied in mice.

结论氧化槐定碱具有镇静、催眠等中枢抑制作用。Conclusion Oxysophoridine has sedative and hypnotic actions on central nervous system.

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熏衣草也可以降低血压,因为它具有镇静作用。Lavender can also be used to reduce high blood pressure due to its sedative abilities.

印度大麻会给人带来放松感甚至是睡意,因为它是一种温和的镇定剂。Cannabis can cause a chilled out feeling or even sleepiness because it is a mild sedative.

酒精的镇静作用会让你花好几个小时才能恢复过来,足以毁掉你的下午。Alcohol’s sedative effects will take hours to recover from, killing the rest of your afternoon.

吗啡是一种阿片衍生物,在医学上用作止痛剂、轻度麻醉剂或镇静剂。Morphine, derived from opium, is used in medicine as an analgesic, light anesthetic or a sedative.

研究杜仲雄花乙酸乙酯提取物的抗惊厥作用。The sedative and hypnotic effects of ethyl acetate extracts of eucommia male flowers were studied.

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不过这个柯布——我们将叫他克里斯托弗·诺兰——并不需要特殊配方的镇静剂。But this Dom Cobb – we’ll call him Christopher Nolan – doesn’t need a specially formulated sedative.

杜绝催眠镇静药的不合理使用,减少滥用催眠镇静药物对社会和人类的危害。To prevent Irrational use of hypnotic sedative drugs and reduce its endanger to society and humanity.

但是,一些科学家和医生不赞同这种自我诊断,规定咖啡为镇定剂。However, some scientists and doctors warn against self-diagnosis and prescribing caffeine as a sedative.