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他找到了那个大坟墓。He stopped the large tomb.

这里就是妇好墓。This is the tomb of Fu Hao.

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婚姻是爱情的坟墓。Marriage is the tomb of love.

谁被埋在格兰特墓里面?Who's buried in Grant's tomb?

秘鲁莫希女性木乃伊之墓The Moche woman's tomb in Peru

他们为他盖了一座坟。They had built a tomb for him.

怎么这里又有明孝陵呢?Why is there a Ming tomb here?

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此山明太祖之墓。This hill, Tomb of Emperor Zhu.

那里也是他坟墓所在的地方。It is also the site of his tomb.

而是三国东吴国王孙权的墓。It's the tomb of the Wu Emperor.

这间墓室非常阴暗。It is cool and dark in this tomb.

大牛,你看。这就是昭君墓。Daniel, look. This is the tomb of.

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他们只是徘徊在他的墓冢前。They just hovered 'round his tomb.

啊,这里还是广陵王的陵墓?You mean this is an imperial tomb?

在大海边那座坟茔里。In her tomb by the side of the sea.

让我们打车去东陵公园吧。Let's go to East Tomb Park by taxi.

而像她之类的人只能下地狱了。Her people are gonna end up in tomb.

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海格特墓地有马克思墓。The sea Gutt tomb has the Marx grave.

这里就是范礼安神父的墓穴。This is the tomb of Father Valignano.

目前,中国没有继续挖掘秦始皇陵的计划。No excavation of Qin's tomb is planned.