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我想如果他们这样做高雅。I would if they were tastefully done.

这座花园布局雅致。The flower garden was tastefully laid out.

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你的家真漂亮,装饰得真雅致。Your room is nice and it's tastefully decorated.

房间里到处是白色,显得华丽而高雅。Everywhere is white and glorious, tastefully rich.

事实上在中国我还没见过如此匠心独具的设计。In fact, I’ve never seen anything as tastefully done in China.

这部词典印刷精美,装帧雅致。This dictionary is magnificently printed and tastefully appareled.

他向她承诺说她那会很有品位,于是说服了她摆裸体ps。He persuaded her to pose naked by promising her it would be done tastefully.

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您可以在酒店装饰优雅的带浴室的宽敞客房里放松。Relax in this Mövenpick hotel's tastefully decorated, spacious en suite rooms.

酒店拥有377间客房,宽敞舒适,典雅时尚。The hotel has 377 guestrooms which have been tastefully designed and decorated.

高雅的装修厨房花岗岩计数器和吃在俯瞰茂密的山沟。Tastefully Renovated Kitchen With Granite Counters & Eat-In Overlooking Lush Ravine.

大家喜爱将卤煮豆腐与火烧同吃,是一种别有风味的素食。We loved the Luzhu tofu and set fire to the same eating, is a tastefully vegetarian.

穿着高雅,偶尔来点出其不意的重音,带着些许潜台词。Dress tastefully and wear the occasional quirky accent, something with a story behind it.

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这个人穿着潮流服饰,自信,给人深刻的印象。Let this person be tastefully dressed in the trendiest clothes, confident and impressive.

他们没有拖交付我们从一个地方到另一个主题的一个高雅的婚礼。They delivered a tastefully themed wedding without dragging us from one place to another.

舒适的客房拥有现代风格的布置,设有可调节空调、电视和淋浴或浴缸。Each of Hotel Baia Bodrum's well-appointed rooms is tastefully decorated and has satellite TV.

当你制定内容时,可以从中加入一些你联盟的网站网页连接。Once you create your content, mix a few affiliate links within the pages of your site tastefully.

他穿着很有品味、为他量身裁定的西服,能够流利的使用5种语言。He wore tastefully tailored suits, spoke five languages fluently, and projected an air of stability.

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王四的环境装修得比较幽雅,感觉很有文化。The king of the decoration is four environment is quiet and tastefully laid out, feeling very culture.

圆桌围座的人员多,就餐方便,气氛幽雅。Round-table surround personnel is much, repast is convenient, atmosphere is quiet and tastefully laid out.

沃尔玛店内灯光舒适,纤尘不染,商品安全、可靠、陈列美观,尽管与阿肯色周有一些不同。Its wares are safe, reliable and tastefully displayed, though they differ somewhat from those on offer in Arkansas.