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下星期它就可以首次领圣餐了。Next week is his First Communion.

为何我们接受圣体血?。Why do we receive the holy communion?

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提供大台北区车友团体讨论交流的大厅。Provide Taipei , Keelung , Ilan biker communion area.

英国教会在儿童圣餐礼方面意见不统一。Church of England at sixes and sevens over child communion.

我信圣而大公教会、圣徒相通。I believe the holy universal Church, the communion ofthe saints.

信徒守圣餐,就仿如定时到各各他山上去纪念主一样。The communion service is almost like a regular visit to Calvary.

他参与教宗举行的弥撒及由教宗亲手送圣体。He attended the Pope's msaa and received communion from his hand.

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不守圣体斋,也能领圣体吗?Can Communion ever be received without keeping the Eucharistic Fast?

本主日是联合崇拜,但因牧师至海外培训,将暂停圣餐一次。The communion will be postponed since Pastor Chiu is out of country.

没有其他事比在交通里连于神更蒙福。There is no blessedness greater than that of abiding communion with God.

从而说明了应酬语的重要社会意义和作用。Therefore, it indicates social importance and function of phatic communion.

该摩拉维亚教会是一个新教徒共融紧密联系在一起的路德教。The Moravian Church is a Protestant communion closely linked to Lutheranism.

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在我童年时,我就喜欢和“自然”进行简单而又亲密的交流。From my earliest years I enjoyed a simple and intimate communion with Nature.

他深感自己与大自然是息息相通的。He have a great feeling of the communion between himself and the hill and lake.

英国国教是英国国教教会所特有的教会生活方式。Anglicanism is the form of church life characteristic of the Anglican Communion.

他的肉被代表成小麦做成的饼吃掉,小麦--代表真理的作物。His flesh was eaten in the form of communion cakes of wheat, the plant of Truth.

有550多个祭司当时在那里给神父在分发圣餐。More than 550 priests were on hand to distribute communion to the participants.

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哦,但愿今晚赐我圣洁的时刻能与祢亲密相交!O that a hallowed season of divine communion may be vouchsafed to me this evening!

太阳把你带进一个“永恒”的状态并与我,地球母亲连结。The sun brings you into a state of 'timelessness' and communion with I, Earth Mother.

在他的杂记,理想是实现不间断地与上帝。In his Miscellanies, the ideal was the attainment of uninterrupted communion with God.