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我很气,叫了他一声“死纳粹”。" Nazi death" I said angrily.

文学和艺术都反映它们的时代。The psychohistory of the Nazi era.

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最初的芬达是个纳粹产品。The original Fanta was a Nazi product.

观众中纳粹的百分率是多少?What percentage of the audiences is Nazi?

他渴望知晓,何谓优秀的纳粹党人?What, he wanted to know, was a good Nazi?

导致了纳粹德国的野蛮暴行。that had led to barbarism of Nazi Germany.

慕尼黑曾在纳粹历史上起过特殊作用。Munich played a special role in Nazi history.

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纳粹德国向苏联发动战争。Nazi Gemany levied war upon the Soviet Union.

纳粹党人和狗的却别是什么?What is the difference between a Nazi and adog?

这位纳粹领袖在证人席上犹如困兽。The Nazi leader was floundering in the witness stand.

在他们脚下震荡,姑娘与纳粹要员And gapes at their feet as the girl and a high-up Nazi

到1933年,法西斯纳粹党已经在德国上台执政。By 1933, the Nazi party had risen to power in Germany.

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纳粹德国当时拥有约268,829平方英里的土地。Nazi Germany owned about 268,829 square miles of land.

雷吉纳不久就被迫为纳粹工厂工作。Regina was soon after forced into a Nazi work factory.

纳粹士兵以报杀母之仇。She avenged her mother's death upon the Nazi soldiers.

他就是纳粹分子,我还看到了证明这一事实的高度机密文件。He's a Nazi , and I saw the top-secret file to prove it.

本人通常不会轻易使用这样的词汇,即使是出于愤怒之情。I don't use the term "Nazi" frivolously or out of anger.

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战俘们在这个纳粹据点地下挖出了三条隧道。POWs excavated three tunnels below this Nazi stronghold.

第二次世界大战期间纳粹德国占领了欧洲大部分地区。Nazi Germany possessed most of Europe during World War Ⅱ.

苏联的种族屠杀要早于纳粹德国。The Soviet Union's ethnic murders predated Nazi Germany's.