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我叫花瓣儿。I'm called Petal.

最后告诉所有的花瓣。The last petal tells all.

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落花随风飘飘摇摇。Fallen petal shaking in wind.

拒绝一杯咖啡意味着拒绝气花瓣。Slam a coffee then slam the gas petal.

它的风渴望凝固一片花瓣。Whose wind is desire starching a petal.

网塞中央花瓣和网片固定。Mesh was fixed to central petal of Plug.

我必须强调,我确实非常喜欢那些可爱的花瓣形挡板。I love the cute petal shaped pieces, I must add.

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我们要弯下腰来看清哪些是水果,哪些是花朵。We stoop to see which is fruit and which is poppy petal.

高倍放大的勿忘我花瓣上的花粉。A higher magnification of forget-me-not pollen on a petal.

每一款产品中都包含数之不尽的金盏花花瓣。Every kind of product includes uncountable marigold petal.

小环钮,圆钮座,有四出叶瓣形。Annulet knob, circle knob, there are four leafs petal form.

在PDA培养基上辣椒疫霉菌落呈放射状,寄生疫霉的呈花瓣状。The colony form of P. parasitica in PDA is like flower petal.

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短的花瓣边缘全缘或流苏状和啮蚀状下部。Petal margin entire or shortly fimbriate and erose proximally.

用手指把黏土按成上圆下尖的花瓣形状。Flatten the petal with index finger, to form a "tear drop" shape.

中性色彩和粉花瓣色带给你柔和自然的妆感。Look soft and natural with the sheerest neutrals and petal pinks.

吕夫人来到老地方,张吉为她造了一场花瓣雪。Lu lady came to the old place, ZhangJi for she made a petal snow.

她将拥有一个希腊式鼻子,还是要个玫瑰花瓣似的翘鼻头?Will she have a grecian nose or one tip-tilted like petal of rose?

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落花本来有意,流水本也无情。The fallen petal originally intentionally, water Ben also mercilessly.

我像乞丐一样破晓就来寻找,只为着一两片散落的花瓣。And like a beggar I searched in the dawn only for a stray petal or two.

有的花长在干枯的土地上,努力的生长着,枯萎着花瓣。Some flowers in the dry land, the growth of effort, the withered petal.