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区环保局法制科的金科长说。Zone EPA Legal Section Jinke Zhang said.

IDSA强烈要求EPA取消它的这项决定。IDSA is urging EPA to rescind its decision.

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在2006年,美国环保署修订了24小时监控PM2.5的条例。In 2006, EPA revised the 24-hour NAAQS for PM2.5.

如果不完整,环境保护局可以把它的全部或部分定为无效。If not, EPA may treat it in whole or in part as a nullity.

红色孢子植物添加到环保署表面地图。Red colored spore plants added to the surface map of the EPA.

微绿球藻富含EPA,被认为是一种很有潜力的EPA来源,引起人们广泛的研究兴趣。Nannochloropsis is recognized as a good potential source of EPA.

环境署监察长使惠特曼从以权谋私的指责中得以开脱。Whitman was cleared of the conflict by the EPA inspector general.

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2009年3月,环保署宣布审查待批的煤矿许可。In March 2009, the EPA announced a review of pending mine permits.

只有FFI的经销商可以明确地表示我们是EPA登记的产品。FFI Distributors may only correctly say that we are EPA Registered.

环境保护局经常性地检查百货公司塑胶袋的使用情形。EPA checks the usage of plastic bags in the department stores regularly.

环境署将设置60天的公众意见征集期,还会应要求举办听证会。EPA will have a 60-day public comment period and a hearing if requested.

所有这些毒素都得到美国环境保护署的认可,或某些情况下被他们忽略。All of these poisons are sanctioned–or in some cases, ignored–by the EPA.

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楼盘所在地,离珠晖区环保局不足百米。Property location, less than one hundred meters away from the Zhuhui EPA.

该系统符合美国EPA微生物净水器的要求。This system meets U. S. EPA requirements for microbiological water purifiers.

根据美国环保署的报告,汽车排放的二氧化碳占人类二氧化碳排放量的百分之十七。Autos represent 17 percent of all man-made carbon emissions, according to EPA.

顺便问一下,不知贵方与EPA人造纤维厂的史密斯先生是否有接触?By the way, have you got in touch with Mr. Smith from the EPA man-made fiber factory?

尽管环保署将温室气体排放量预测值调增一倍,天然气依然具有相对较小些的优势。Now that the EPA has doubled its emissions estimates, the advantages are slimmer sill.

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EPA在1981年考虑禁止13种杀虫剂,其中包括二氯松,但后来却无疾而终。The EPA considered a ban on 13 pesticides in 1981, including DDVP, but took no action.

环保署在今年4月公布了初步的调查报告结果,并设置了60天公众意见反馈期。The EPA issued the proposed findings in April and held a 60-day public-comment period.

你可以在这个由美国食品及药物管理局和美国环保署建立的网站找到更多信息。You can find out more information at this website, which is hosted by the FDA and EPA.