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强化背刺和强化切割换位置…Imp backstab and imp SnD have switched places.

背刺现在叫穿刺伤。Improved Backstab is now called Puncturing Wounds.

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天赋强化背刺现在改名为“即时创伤”?Improved Backstab is now called puncturing Wounds.

盗贼可以背刺和隐身。Rogues can backstab and hide to further their ends.

他的背刺能力能起到一击必杀的效果。He can deliver an instant kill thanks to his backstab ability.

哈曼声称她是嫉妒的同事暗箭伤人的受害者。Harman claimed she was the victim of backstab bing by jealous colleagues.

有些人互相背后攻击,并威胁要用拳头来解决他们之间的分歧。Some backstab each other and threaten to settle their differences with a punch.

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在你背刺失败,或是无法接近目标时换成左轮手枪攻击。Use the Revolver when your backstab fails or when you cannot safely approach a target.

如果你是个肉搏职业,你可以骑马作战,但是不能使用特殊技能,如踢击和背刺。If you were a melee class, you could attack on them but never use special attacks like kick or backstab.

这是一帮自私,浅薄无知的婊子,宁愿饿死也不吃东西,且为了昂贵的衣服而勾心斗角。It's a bunch of self-serving, shallow tramps who starve themselves and backstab each other for expensive clothes.

重设守望者背刺的判定角度,且背刺对机械类单位无效。Reset the judging Angle of Warden's innate ability BackStab , and BackStab cannot take effect on Mechanical Unit.

在给予胡萝卜并从印度获得自己需要的东西后,中国将会背叛并在背后中伤印度,就像1962年他们对尼赫鲁所做的那样。After dangling the carrot and getting what they want from India, China willbetray and backstab India like it did to Nehru in 1962.

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当你在空旷区域被敌方间谍放置电子工兵时,优先解决间谍,否则他很有可能在你移除电子工兵时背刺你。If you're in an open place, and your stuff is sapped, kill the Spy first, otherwise he may backstab you while you're trying to remove the Sappers.

刀子在正面攻击时只会产生微弱的伤害,因此除非你能够背刺到敌人,一般来说在正面对战时还是换成左轮手枪应战较好,尤其是你身分曝光要逃离的时候。The Knife deals pitiful damage. Unless you can backstab an enemy, you're probably better off using your Revolver in fights, especially after you've been discovered.