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而是琴瑟共鸣,却非相和之曲。But harps resonance, but not and undiminished.

这就意味着她们的脑力没有下降。This means their brain power remains undiminished.

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她父母亲一如既往,对别人的批评不屑一顾。Her parents stood undiminished and unware of criticism.

首先,广告垄断消费者注意力的力量从未减弱。First, its power to monopolise attention is undiminished.

这还假定了河水流量不会减少。And that is assuming that the river’s flow is undiminished.

这项工作已经开始,我们将它进行到底的决心不会减弱。Our resolution to complete the work we have started is undiminished.

在这个炎热的夏日,各国佳丽对中国文化的兴趣仍然不减。In this hot summer, Galina States interest in Chinese culture remains undiminished.

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你赐给我们凡人的礼物,满足了我们的一切需要,尽管它们又丝毫不差地返还给你。Thy gifts to us mortals fulfil all our needs and yet run back to thee undiminished.

你赐给我们世人的礼物,满足了我们一切的需要,可是它们又毫未减少地返回到你那里。Thy gifts to us mortals fulfil all our needs and yet run back to thee undiminished.

弗格森和温格之间的敌意可能已消失,但他们之间的竞争却没有降低。The feud between Ferguson and Wenger might be over, the intensity of their rivalry is undiminished.

作为一个日本偶像,与众不同的是,即使木村拓哉于2000年结婚,他的人气依然不减。Unusual for a Japanese idol, even his marriage in 2000 has left Kimutaku's popularity undiminished.

激进环境保护主义者的保守倾向,使得他们蔑视民主制度,而且其轻视自己之下人士的习惯仍然不减。Radical environmentalists’ Tory disdain for democracy and for the habits of their inferiors remains undiminished.

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看起来我们从中获得的愉悦,还有电影的风格,在很大程度上都没有衰减,即使已经知道了情节的发展。Our pleasure of the story and its characters seem largely undiminished — even though we know how it all turns out.

在那儿,他坐在我们的书桌上,一贯温文尔雅地把自己变作我们小小聚会的生命与灵魂。There, with undiminished geniality he would make himself the life and soul of our little gathering, seated on the top of our study table.

与人同床她们会睡不安稳,可一旦入睡就能获得较高的睡眠质量,脑力也不会受到损伤。They have disturbed sleep if they share a bed, but tend to get better quality rest when they do drop off and their brain power remains undiminished.

虽然削减开支的挑战可能使拨款比略少觊觎一直以来,该委员会的影响力依然不减。While the challenge of cutting spending may make Appropriations slightly less coveted than it has been, the committee's influence remains undiminished.

巴迪最初开始狩猎松鼠是因为它们老是破坏他精心种植的花园,并且松鼠数量似乎没有减少的趋势。Buddy initially began dispatching the squirrels because they were savaging the garden he'd so carefully planted. Their numbers were seemingly undiminished.

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与上周、上个月乃至去年相比,我们的商品和服务依然很有市场,我们的实力未曾削弱。Our minds are no less inventive, our goods and services no less needed than they were last week or last month or last year.Our capacity remains undiminished.

核裁军必须遵循维护全球战略稳定和各国安全不受减损的原则。Third, nuclear disarmament must follow the principles of promoting international stability, peace and security and undiminished and increased security for all.

但是,可以肯定的是,轻歌曼舞的时代、保护狭隘利益的时代以及对艰难决定犹豫不决的时代已经过去了。Our capacity remains undiminished. But our time of standing pat, of protecting narrow interests and putting off unpleasant decisions — that time has surely passed.