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能在圆顶玻璃房里住上一个晚上是一件很神奇的事情。Spending a night in an igloo is magical.

克娄石—克完带着村议会的人来到季奚的雪屋。Klosh?Kwan led the council to the igloo of Keesh.

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我不生活在一个支柱或吃哭哭啼啼,或拥有狗爬犁。I don't live in an igloo or eat blubber or own a dogsled.

我们要在中央公园修一个爱斯基摩冰屋,这将会是传奇性的!We're building an igloo in Central Park. It's gonna be legendary.

光线从格陵兰默里萨克的一座雪屋的冰墙缝隙射出来。Light shines between the ice blocks of an igloo in Moriusaq, Greenland.

娄石—克完的大雪屋里召开了村议会。One night the village council met in the big igloo of Klosh?Kwan, the chief.

他说,他的冰屋又大又可以容纳多少人,如果安理会要开会。He said his igloo was big and could hold many people, if the council wanted a meeting.

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直到冬天结束,室外温度升高,冰屋才开始融化。Not until the winter ends, and the exterior temperature rises, does the igloo begin to melt.

这家名为索里斯-尼瓦雪屋酒店的室内温度保持在-4到-7摄氏度之间。The inside temperatures at the Sorris-niva Igloo Hotel remain between -4 and -7 degrees Celsius.

李奚跳起来,喊道,“听我说,我永远也不在村议会白费口舌了。Keesh jumped to his feet. "Hear me, " he cried. "Never shall I speak in the co until igloo again.

冰屋的持续结冰发生在建筑过程的末尾。The initial freezing and re-freezing of the igloo takes place at end of the igloo's construction.

那一夜,我和英国夫妇同住在玻璃圆顶房的小山上,天气条件极适合观看北极光。On the night the Britons and I shared igloo hill, conditions were perfect to see the northern lights.

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一个由聚丙烯和铝材料建造的六边形房屋和一个由沙包建造的圆顶小屋靠在一起。A six-sided poly-propylene and aluminum house is adjacent to a dome-shaped igloo made of r4i sandbags.

最后,人们请来当地的专家,爱斯基摩妇女,以便给冰屋做最后的画龙点睛。The men then call in the resident expert, the Eskimo woman, to put the finishing touches on the igloo.

沃尔恰市中心的地标性建筑是一座高耸的购物商场,它看上去就像是一座巨型的玻璃圆顶建筑。Defining the town center of Râmnicu Vâlcea is a towering shopping mall that looks like a giant glass igloo.

继续向上垒直到有里面工作的人的肩膀那么高。Continue to work upward so that the top of the igloo is about shoulder height with the person working inside.

挪威有四家冰屋旅馆,而索里斯-尼瓦雪屋酒店是最大的,而且它的位置是最北的。There are four ice hotels in Norway, but the Sorris-niva Igloo Hotel is the largest and northernmost of them.

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世界上第一家冰屋旅店始建于1990年,当时法国艺术家乔纳特·德瑞特正在开办了一个圆柱方面的建筑展览。The World’s first ice hotel began in 1990 when French artist Jannot Derid held an exhibition in a cylindrical igloo.

开始我们甚至没有走进玻璃房,只是站在屋外仰望天空,把脸颊冻得发麻。We didn’t even go inside the igloo at first. We just stood outside, our cheeks numb from the cold, and stared at the sky.

Whitepod位于瑞士的阿尔卑斯山的腹地,冰屋的内室充满了创造力,燃木壁橱,豪华的床铺,完备的浴室一应俱全。Located in the heart of the Swiss Alps, Igloo inspired pods include wood burning fireplaces , luxury beds , and full bathrooms.