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正当他往前冲时,他听到一阵咣当当的重击声。As he rushed, he heard a sickening crash and a thud.

迈尔斯厌恶地将他摔在地上。Miles threw him to the ground with a sickening thud.

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好莱坞必须自我审视,他的贪婪越来越令人厌恶。Hollwood must examine itself. Its greed is sickening.

飞机令人晕眩地向左倾斜。The plane is pitching to the left in a sickening way.

于是在这个国家,我们突然面对着一种令人厌恶的情形。And so we're suddenly faced with a sickening situation in this country.

我决不会在公共场合这样做,因为人们通常觉得这十分令人厌恶。I would never do it in public, because people usually find it fairly sickening.

我听到恼人的喇叭声,还响个不停。As I ran towards the crash, I heard the sickening sound of a horn, blowing constantly.

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当我摸索润滑油的时候,突然听到最惊心动魄的一声响,小瓶滑落在地。I was reaching for the lube when I heard the most sickening sound, the vial falling over.

住在街对面的退伍军人马强为我们描述了一幅惨不忍睹的图景。Ma Qiang, a decommissioned soldier living across the street, described a sickening scene.

造成如今一片血海尸山的地狱场景,令人作呕。Result in ever since the hellish scene of the one sea of blood corpse mountain, sickening.

太多的胰岛素会引起疾病,你的身体因此也会对胰岛素产生抗性。Too much insulin is also sickening and your body will develop insulin resistance as a result.

看上去一切浑浊在一种乏味的,恶心的黑暗之中,我为之拜倒。Everything seemed to wash together in a kind of bland, sickening grayness, and my knees buckled.

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大批看到,同时看到五千或一万册在一起后,书本就令人心烦乃至微感恶心。Seen in the mass, five or ten thousand at a time, books were boring and even slightly sickening.

我所看到的一切似乎是搅在一种乏味恶心的灰白中,我不禁膝盖发软。Everything seemed to wash together in a kind of bland, sickening grayness , and my knees buckled.

那些加入三聚氰胺的乳制品使成千上万人患病,尤其是儿童。The laced dairy products were responsible for sickening thousands of people, especially children.

看得我们也开始恶心了,”Fischer说,“我们会说,Phil你知道,这多不好啊,你在自己害自己,而我们还得看着你这么做。”We'd say Phil, you know, this is sickening. You're killing yourself, and we're watching you do it.

见他目不转睛地盯着塔夫林上的头巾,我赶紧伸出手,拿走了这个人们所见过的最让人作呕的东西。I reached up and took off what had to be the most sickening tefillin headpiece anyone has ever seen.

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我猛踩刹车,但是车还没刹住保险杠就撞到了什么东西,那声音真是恐怖。I slammed on my brakes. But before the truck stopped, the bumper hit something with a sickening sound.

我妹妹根除了魔法学校的腐败,治愈了使小精灵生病的枯萎病。My sister rooted out corruption in the Wizarding Schools, cured the blight that was sickening the elves.

我对后两种传染病没有天然抵抗力,至于疟疾,我也不想吞服那种令人作呕的预防药物,一切听天由命吧。I'd no natural resistance to the latter two, and I'd opted against taking the sickening drugs for the former.