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通过例子。By example.

我喜欢这个例子。I like this example.

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再举个更近一点的例子More recent example.

尼克松就是例子。Nixon is an example.

让我们举个?子。Let's use an example.

从一个示例开始。Start with an example.

接得不错That's a good example.

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让我们来听听这个例子吧。But here's the example.

请举个例子。Please give an example.

举音乐为例。Take music for example.

再举一个例子。Here is another example.

让我们看一个例子。Lets look at an example.

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好,给我举一个例子。Now, give me an example.

英联邦运动会就是主要的例子。CWG is the prime example.

仅举一个例子。Here is just one example.

让我们假设重量是。Let's look at an example.

回到我们的例子。Returning to our example.

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听听这个例子。Think about this example.

这只是其中的一个例子。This is just one example.

鸟叫就是一个例子。Bird calls are an example.