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技术就摆在那儿。Technology is there.

四要大力开展科技指导服务。technology services.

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淀粉糖生产技术。Corn sugar technology.

专利技术。Proprietary technology.

我们有技术。We have the technology.

这种技术具有双重用途。The technology is dual-use.

高科技皮肤!Technology skin for Maxthon!

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这也不全是技术层面的问题。And it is not all technology.

但是网络技术有缺陷。But the technology is flawed.

现在,我支持核电技术。I now support the technology.

穆尔则热衷于技术。Moore was avid in technology.

什么是\"蓝牙\"技术?What is Bluetooth Technology?

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那么,您可以使用哪些技术呢?So what technology do you use?

这就是信息技术。That's information technology.

我主修的是医学预科技术。My major is Pre-med technology.

技术是一把双刃剑。Technology is a two-edged sword.

是时候关掉科技产品?The time to turn off technology?

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了解注塑相关技术。Well- know the technology of IM.

技能和连续技自定义。Skills and technology for custom.

我非常喜欢这个技术。I was in love with the technology.