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失去这个小雕像对我而言是摧毁性的。The loss of the statuette was devastating.

后来,Peek和一个奥斯卡小金人一起继续环游。Peek later traveled with an Oscar statuette.

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桌上有一个牧羊女的小瓷像。A china statuette of a shepherdess stood on the table.

这座城市看起来活力四射,甚至这座有趣的小塑像好像也有灵魂。It seems alive, and even this funny statuette seems to have a soul.

近来她还发现在岩石的表面上粘了一个黑色天然的小雕像。Recently she found a black virgin statuette cemented to the rock face.

更小一点的时候,我甚至觉得思索者塑像也是令人迷惑的。In my earlier years, I found even the statuette of the Thinker confusing.

高密泥塑已焕发出新的生命力,以其独有的民族文化的魅力,走出家门,走向世界!Gaomi clay statuette has created a new vitality, to leave their homes to the world!

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如果获奖者不同意这项规定,学院将保留其小金人。If a winner refuses to agree to this stipulation, then the Academy keeps the statuette.

我小小的鸟屋道具、独一无二的石头、蟾蜍的小雕像,也为演讲营造出气氛。My small props of a birdhouse, unique rock and statuette of a toad added to the ambience.

他构想出了一个骑士站在一个电影胶片卷轴上,手里紧握十字军之剑的雕像。He came up with a statuette of a knight standing on a reel of film gripping a crusader's sword.

早期的埃及牙雕杰作中是古夫小雕像,即吉萨金字塔的建造者之像。A masterpiece of early Egyptian carving is an ivory statuette of Khufu, builder of the Great Pyramid.

当你在电视上看到我,手拿奖杯侃侃而谈时,不要看我穿了什么,或者说了什么,那都只是表演。No matter what you see me or hear me saying when I'm on your TV holding a statuette spewing, that's acting.

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这是芝加哥一家奖品专业公司,由科学院批准,从1982年开始制作雕像。Owens and Company, the Chicago awards specialty company approved by the Academy since 1982 to make the statuette.

冥王奥里西斯的一尊木制小雕像,尽管经历了3500年的历史,雕像上的绿色颜料依然鲜艳如初Osiris himself, represented by a wooden statuette whose paint is still vivid green, despite being three-and-a-half millennia

莱杰的父母后来说他的小金人将由美国电影艺术与科学学院保管。Ledger's parents afterward said his Oscar statuette would be held in trust by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences.

出风头的流行歌手捧回最佳短形式的视频雕像“坏演义”打奖领跑者阿姆。The flamboyant pop singer took home the best short-form video statuette for "Bad Romance, " beating awards front-runner Eminem.

公诉人说,Kissel给她40岁的丈夫饮用了一杯掺有镇静药的奶昔,而后用一尊重雕像多次敲击他的头颅。Prosecutors said Kissel gave her 40-year-old husband a milkshake spiked with sedatives before cracking his skull with a heavy statuette several times.

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好莱坞影评人大卫•普兰德预测她不仅会被提名奥斯卡最佳女演员,而且一定会在二月抱得金人归。Hollywood handicapper David Poland predicted that she would not only get nominated for the best-actress Oscar, but that she’d win the statuette in February.

当托德的外孙试图将托德获得的小金人卖给一位电影道具收藏者时,学院通过获得永久性禁令而赢得了法律诉讼。When Todd's grandson attempted to sell Todd's Oscar statuette to a movie prop collector, the Academy won the legal battle by getting a permanent injunction.

但他似乎精神很好,特别是当他获得最佳男演员的时候——金球奖可能有很好的注意力分散作用。But he seemed in goodspirits, especially when he finally won a Best Actor statuette forDexter — winning a Golden Globe is probably a pretty good distraction.