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你是说你看见万磁王了?You're saying you saw Magneto?

别变了告诉我万磁王在哪儿?。You are going to stop this, Tell me, where is Magneto?

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磁轴承只传递一个方向的轴向力。Magneto bearings transmit axial forces in only one direction.

年轻的埃里克迈克尔Fassbender次,谁长大后成为磁。Michael Fassbender plays young Erik, who will grow up to become Magneto.

制造了两台钠用永磁式电磁流量计。Two magneto electromagnetic flowmeters for liquid sodium have been developed.

设计了发动机冷却风扇磁流变液离合器控制系统。A control system of magneto -rheological fluid clutch for engine fan is designed.

利用法拉第磁光效应可以设计光纤磁场传感器。Fiber magnetic field sensor may be achieved by using Faraday magneto optic effect.

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当他的塑料的监狱房间的磁电机爆发时另外的惊险的序列来。Another breathtaking sequence comes when Magneto breaks out of his plastic prison cell.

本文介绍了磁电机点火系统的点火提前角测量原理。The survey principle of a magneto ignition system ignition advance angle was introduced.

磁电机轴承的内圈比深沟球轴承的稍浅。The inner groove of magneto bearings is a little shallower than that of deep groove bearings.

本文叙述了一种用于地倾斜仪和地磁光记录仪的配电盘的原理。This paper describes the principle of the distributor used in dipmeter and magneto optical recorder.

磁轴承是在构造上类似的无装配槽的深沟球轴承。Magneto Bearing is similar in its construction to the deep-groove ball bearing without filling slots.

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本文主要介绍了磁电机动态参数测试仪的工作原理和实验过程。This paper introduces the principle of magneto tester with dynamic parameter and the experimental procedure.

福特将这一过程颠倒过来,试试是否会加速汽车上一个叫做磁石发电机的部件的生产。Ford reversed this process to see if it would speed up production of a part of an automobile engine called a magneto.

直接点火线圈,双电极火花塞和高输出的磁提供极其精确,可靠的点火。Direct ignition coils, dual-electrode spark plugs and high-output magneto deliver extremely accurate, reliable firing.

与纯YIG相比具有较好的磁光性能,有更高的比法拉弟旋转角和磁光优值以及较小的温度依赖性。It has larger Faraday rotation angle and magneto optic figure of merit and lower temperature sensibility than pure YIG.

模压预格式信息的检测是磁光盘产业化过程中质量检测体系的重要组成部分。In this paper, a new detecting system for the embossed information quality of 5x density magneto optic disks is developed.

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本文得出了双绝热近似的磁流体力学能量积分关系式。This paper has given magneto -hydrodynamic energy integration relationship at the condition of biadiabatical approximation.

并对烧结硬化材料、软磁复合材料、磁致热材料等粉末冶金新材料进行了评述。New PM materials such as sinter hardening materials, soft magnetic composites and magneto calorific materials etc. are reviewed.

我国摩托车关于磁电机系统的行业标准均是参照国外先进标准制定的,但这些标准并没有被强制执行。The Chinese occupation standard for motorcycle magneto formulated based on foreign ones has not been implemented in an obligatory way.