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这个木雕多少钱?How much is this wood carving?

那个木雕非常珍贵。That wood carving is very rare.

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这样才能开始刻字。Then, they would start carving.

他的最大爱好就是雕镌印章。His favors carving seals the most.

我在研究这里的砖雕啊。I'm studying this brick carving here.

按此种方法镂刻的技术。The technique of carving in this way.

西瓜雕刻的玛丽莲梦露!Watermelon carving of Marilyn Monroe.

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父亲正在厨房里切肉。Father is carving meat in the kitchen.

圣乌尔立赫小镇以木雕而著名。St. Ulrich is famous for wood carving.

这个竹刻工艺品相当精美。This bamboo carving is very exquisite.

疯狂的南瓜雕刻——食肉动物。Insane pumpkin carving of the Predator.

大足石刻是世界闻名的。The Dazu Stone Carving is World-famous.

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图为商代蛙形刻刀。Frog-shaped carving knife, Shang Dynasty.

许多雕塑装饰着钟楼。The belfry abounds in ornamental carving.

我问他,这是你自己画了雕的吗?I asked him, is it your own painted carving?

他在向我们展示蛋雕工艺。The art of carving patterns on an egg shell.

我们有一些刀子在屠宰场。We have some carving knives in the abattoir.

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她用一把切肉用的餐刀切掉了他们的尾巴。She cut off their tails with a carving knife.

是谁用雕刻刀切了他们的尾巴。Who cut off their tails with a carving knife.

雕刻木器是这个村子的特产。Wood carving are a specialty of this village.