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没有一个胜利者相信机遇。No victor believer in chane.

人群挤在胜利者周围。The crowd surrounded the victor.

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维克多是我的一个老朋友。Victor is an old friend of mine.

现在他以通奸罪控告维克多。Now he accused Victor of adultery.

胜利者是一名兽医。他爱他的宠物。Victor is a vet. He loves his pet.

只让真理做一个战胜者。That truth alone may be the victor.

吸血鬼维克特是个素食者。Victor the vampire is a vegetarian.

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维克托警告杰克说,“他们来了。”“They’re here, ” Victor warns Jack.

他们把奖品评判给获胜者。They adjudged a prize to the victor.

维克多插手,阻止他儿子这么做。Victor intercedes and stops his son.

我要和维特一起去看电影“辛巴达”。I'm going to see "Sinbad" with Victor.

维克托是来自魁北克猎艳老手。Victor is a fortune hunter form Quebec.

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维克多果断地开枪射杀了尼古拉。Without flinching Victor shoots Nikola.

我爱你,维克特。但你不属于我。I love you, Victor. But you're not mine.

杰克站了起来,向前走向维克多。Jack gets up and advances toward Victor.

但维克多是一个从不丧失勇气的人。But Victor was a man who never lost heart.

忽然,尼古拉对他的怒火发在维克多身上。Suddenly Nikola turns his anger on Victor.

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忽然,尼古拉对他的怒火发在维克多身上。Suddenly, Nikola turns his anger on Victor.

战胜者被征服,倒向她怀中。The vanquished victor sunk upon her breast.

战胜国总是掠夺战败国。The victor always plundered the vanquished.