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信仰的玄妙力量。The impalpable power of faith.

我是一个非物质的无形化身。I am an immaterial impalpable incarnation.

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迎隐晦之风我猛吸气轻风荡漾心旗。As I inhale the impalpable breezes that set in upon me.

在品牌的背后,是谁打造了他们?But what is behind this impalpable concept called brands?

腹腔镜能够确定未触及隐睾的位置并决定手术方式。Laparoscopy locates the position of impalpable testes and decides treatment options for them.

目的探讨一侧扪不到睾丸的儿童隐睾症的临床特点及处理方法。Objective To investigate the clinical characteristics and management of unilateral impalpable testis.

不过词句要比砖块难以捉摸,阅读要比看更费时、更复杂。But words are more impalpable than bricks reading is a longer and more complicated process than seeing.

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一个光亮的玻璃柜台具有一种摸不到的质感,这种感觉拉近了客人和侍者之间的关系。A clear glass counter has an impalpable quality that brings guests and bartenders into a closer relationship.

散发的女性魅力,优雅而又神秘的同时,投射无法掌握面料穿著的欲望。Offering femininity that is elegant yet at the same time mysterious, dressed in fabrics as impalpable as desire.

目的探讨核素睾丸血流灌注显像诊断腹股沟隐睾的诊断价值,并与超声检查结果比较。Objective To evaluate the diagnostic value of testicular blood perfusion imaging of impalpable undescended testis.

腹腔镜睪丸固定术对于腹腔内隐睪症之诊断及治疗用途已为临床医师认同。Recently laparoscopic orchiopexy has been accepted as an appealing diagnostic and therapeutic procedure for clinically impalpable testes.

你从我指尖消失,留下的只是蔚蓝天空中一丝无从觉察的轻抚,以及穿梭阴影之间的风里一抹无法看见的影像。Thou hast vanished from my reach, leaving an impalpable touch in the blue of the sky, an invisible image in the wind moving among the shadows.

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我拒绝了和他们共进早餐,天一亮我抓住机会就跑到外面去了,晴朗,无风,而寒冷就像不可触及的冰。I declined joining their breakfast, and, at the first gleam of dawn, took an opportunity of escaping into the free air, now clear, still, cold as impalpable ice.

“中国当代艺术”在海外和本土正在被各种热情、欲望塑造着,但始终是不可捉摸、不可定义。Chinese contemporary art' is being formed and constructed by various enthusiasm and desires in China and overseas, but it is after all impalpable and indefinable.

透着隐约的、细碎的日影,空气中若有若无地飘来阵阵桂花的清香,一切都是那么温馨美好。A cloud of a delicate scent of osmanthus, penetrating the indistinct and fine sun-shadows, is floating in the air with an impalpable movement. This gentle and warm autumn charm rests in everything.