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我的厌倦与那缓慢的暮色在争辩。My loathing wrestles with the slow twilights.

我为他感到最深的轻蔑和厌憎。I feel the deepest contempt and loathing for him.

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他们流露出明显的厌恶看那动物。They looked upon the creature with a loathing undisguised.

他们看着那动物,流露出明显的厌恶。They looked upon the creature with a loathing undisguised.

Hipsters的管理,吸引了厌恶的强度独一无二的。Hipsters manage to attract a loathing unique in its intensity.

他的眼现在是清澈的,他不再带着嫌恶的讥笑。His eyes are clear now, no longer does he sneer with loathing.

这一空虚犹如明镜,我从中照见自己的脸,我感到厌恶以及恐惧。The void is a mirror, I see my face and feeling loathing and horror.

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他厌恶这群人,女巫喀耳刻也一定像他一样厌恶着她那群猪的。He felt a loathing for them such as Circe must have felt for her swine.

难怪我们会如此嫌恶地看待或提及限制。And it’s no wonder that we become so loathing to the sight or mention of limits.

如果鼬注定无法得到佐助的爱,那么他就只能得到他的憎恨。And if Itachi could not have Sasuke's love, then he would settle for revulsion, for loathing.

母亲表示出十分的厌恶,她却报以母亲猫一样的微笑。Mother gave it an extremely loathing look, but the baby returned her look with a catlike smile.

不同的派系之间相互竞争,短期和长期利益在相互仇视中确立自己的地位。Different factions contended, short- and long-term interests were entrenched in mutual loathing.

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这也许是种颠倒的物种歧视主义,对人类及它丑恶行径的厌恶。Perhaps it's a form of reverse speciesism, this loathing for humanity and its wretched fabrications.

哈利尽管明知道那其实是赫敏,却仍然抑制不住一阵厌恶的战栗。Though Harry knew perfectly well that it was really Hermione, he could not suppress a shiver of loathing.

这次恐惧和厌恶更甚,社会的中坚们拥有权力,金钱,选票以及人口。This time the fear and loathing is worse now the old have power, money, votes and demographics on their side.

托宾少年时大萧条的经历,让他终身厌恶失业这种经济现象。Tobin’s experience of the depression as a teenager in the 1930s gave him a lifelong loathing of unemployment.

看到我们的同伴在津津有味地吃饭是令人感到愉悦的,这时候要是表现任何憎恶的表情都是令人不快的。It is agreeable to see our companions eat with a good appetite, and all expressions of loathing are offensive.

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当金妮听说了拉维的婚约,从心底升起的厌恶使她开始构想起他长大以后变成一个麻木而憎恶的人。When Ginnie heard of Ravi's engagement the loathing she had conceived for him grew into a sort of numb hatred.

但是,它和羞耻、罪孽或邪恶毫不相干——不像憎恨肉体的清教主义一贯教导我们的那样。But it has nothing to do—as puritanism with its loathing for the body has consistently taught—with shame or sin or evil.

是的,我认出了查拉图斯特拉。他的眼现在是清澈的,他不再带着嫌恶的讥笑。只要看看他是如何一路上都跳着舞蹈!Yes, I recognize Zarathustra. His eyes are clear now, no longer does he sneer with loathing. Just see how he dances along!