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一位舞蹈演员滞空平衡。A dancer poised in midair.

我们现在是悬在半空中啊?Are we suspended in midair?

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把故事讲下去,别让我们等得着急。Finish the story. Don't suspend us in midair.

哈利扭过脖子,看见砖墙在空中延伸、成形。Craning his neck, Harry saw it expand into being in midair.

蜘蛛不会飞翔,但它能够把网凌结在半空中。Spider can not fly , yet he could make a perfect net in midair.

一阵旋风在半空中把我托住,使我安全返回地面。A whirlwind catches me in midair and places me safely on the ground.

说不定哪天你会看到一只亚马逊巨型蜈蚣夹着一只蝙蝠盘踞在你头顶。In the clip above you can see the centipede catching a bat in midair.

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它能在半空中扭转身体,如果它落下或被扔下,它能四脚着地。It can twist in midair and land on its feet if it falls or is dropped.

在一小时九十英里的快速下,就像挨了炸药一样,乔纳森在半空中爆炸了,一头撞入砖样硬的海里。Jonathan Seagull exploded in midair and smashed down into a brickhard sea.

海鸥岳纳珊在空中爆炸,摔落硬如砖头的海中。Jonathan Seagull exploded in midair and smashed down into a brick-hard sea.

溪降探险者们说,即使像这样一个相对简单的绳降,也能让人产生在半空中溺水的感觉。Canyoneers say even a relatively easy rappel like this one can feel like drowning in midair.

起飞前那场对空中事故或迫降的安全准备程序表演实在让人糟心。I find it very disconcerting to be told of midair emergency or crash landing procedures prior to takeoff.

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说话间明寐已经踏上剑光,粉潇洒的升到半空中。The while speaking clear Mei has already trod on knife light, the powder natural and unrestrainedly rises to midair.

它看上去让人迷惑,网格状的半桥悬浮在半空中,多少有些超现实主义画作的味道。It was disorienting to look at that latticed half-bridge leaving off in midair like some sort of Surrealist painting.

然而,正当死亡离她只有几寸之遥的时候,龙突然收回了他的爪子,并且在空中蠕动着。Yet, just as death came within inches of her, the dragon suddenly pulled back his claws and began squirming in midair.

研究人员将模型悬放在半空中,通过在框架中的运动,在预先设计好的墙上就出现了一支舞动的彩色刷子。They suspended one frame in midair where movements made inside the frame created colorful brushstrokes projected on a wall.

而你必须记住的是,在半空中让你异样的是自己所成长的地方。And what you have to remember is that the very uncomfortable place in midair is the only place where personal growth occurs.

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建筑融合一个天花板很高的二层结构,它漂浮在半空中,能够承受三米厚的积雪重量。The building itself features a high-floored second storey floating in midair that can handle a snow buildup of up to 3 meters.

到目前为止,中国已建立了34个三类疏浚物倾倒区,4个空中放油区。So far, China has designated 34 dumping areas for dredged materials of the third category and four areas for midair oil discharge.

另外一张床用作“空中沙发”,他把其他人的被子和枕头都堆成一堆,这样他可以在上面午睡或者看书。Another bed now serves as a midair sofa, where he piled everyone else's quilts and pillows for an after lunch nap and reading area.