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可能是每周或每两周。Perhaps weekly or biweekly.

一周一次或每两周一次,要坚持下去。Go once a week or biweekly and stick to it.

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嗨,我想买副双周抛的隐形眼镜。Hi, I want to buy a pair of biweekly disposable contact lenses.

有些杂志是「双周刊」,例如,清华大学的双周刊。Some magazines are biweekly , for example, the NCHU biweekly post.

美国驻华大使馆请她撰写一个博客,每半个月更新一次。The U. S. Embassy in Beijing has also asked her to write a biweekly blog.

经验证据表明,每周或者每两周获取一次是对公司最佳的选择。Empirical evidence shows weekly or biweekly to be optimal in some organizations.

财经是双周期刊,发行量有25万份,相信非常盈利。The biweekly magazine, which has a circulation of 250, 000, is believed to be very profitable.

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要避免性能的降低,您应该每周或每两周运行一次磁盘碎片整理。To avoid this degradation in performance, you should run Disk Defragmenter weekly or biweekly.

然而,现在的政权是不能忍受不少示威更双周星期。Now, however, the regime may be able to live with quite a few more weeks of biweekly demonstrations.

在大厅里,…地板上的锯木屑两周一次地变成尘雾、倾盆大雨或日光下偶尔出现的碎片。In the. saloon. the sawdust on the floor gets changed biweekly come fog, downpour or the occasional shard of sunlight.

如果客户的现金流比较稳定,双周还款将可以减少客户需要负担的利息。If customers relatively stable cash flow, biweekly repayment will be required to reduce the burden of interest clients.

报刊小组计划用免费的软件Scribus设计他们的报纸,并且将发行印刷版的半月刊。This newspaper team plans on designing its paper using the free software Scribus and will publish a printed version biweekly.

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本文用动力学分析的方法对西太平洋副热带高压准双周振荡的机制进行了探讨。The biweekly mechanism of east-west oscillating movement of the subtropical western Pacific high is studied using the dynamic method.

自我开始在香港南华早报和台湾中国时报发表两周一次的专栏文章,已整整两年。This is the start of my third year publishing a biweekly column in the South China Morning Post and in Taiwan's Chinese language China Times.

时代精神运动文图拉县分部成立于2010年六月,自称大约有50个会员,大约有十几个固定会员会参加两周一次的会议。vFormed in June 2010, the Ventura County Chapter of TZM boasts a membership of about 50, with approximately a dozen regulars attending biweekly meetings.

一旦项目启动,我们将会每两周为客户提供一份最新的项目进展报告,以期及时得到客户的反馈。Once a project is underway, we provide each customer with a biweekly report updating the status of the synthesis project. This facilitates real-time feedback from customers.