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这很有吸引力啊It's very attractive.

她是个妩媚动人的女孩。She is an attractive girl.

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神气活现的微笑是很迷人的。A cocky smile is attractive.

她是个吸引男人的人。She is an attractive person.

这就是吸引力。There is an attractive force.

有吸引力,确实是的。She's attractive. Yes, she is.

你的身段很迷人。You have an attractive figure.

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一次全买更优惠!A whole more attractive to buy!

这花真惹人喜爱。This flower is really attractive.

我必须承认这一点I must admit it's very attractive.

金光闪闪,同样是赏心悦目。Golden Rays is also very attractive.

在正式的场合非常漂亮。Very attractive on formal occasions.

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而且这是一个非常有吸引力的穿洞…And it is a very attractive piercing.

我敢打赌她肯定跟你一样有魅力。I bet she's very attractive like you.

三十五是一个很有吸引力的年龄。Thirty-five is a very attractive age.

究竟这人多有魅力?How attractive do you find this person?

只有不帅的男人才重视美貌。Only less attractive men stress beauty.

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黄绿色酒体淡雅迷人。Attractive greenish-yellow colored wine.

他的提议听起来很吸引人。He made the offer soud quite attractive.

巴黎作为美丽之城自然魅力十足。Paris, rich in beauty, is more attractive.