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角度的手贴边口袋。Angled hand welt pockets.

鲑鳟鱼斜向地顺流而下。The trout angled downstream.

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杰克弓身下车。Jack angled himself out of the car.

他使他的栏目侧重于青少年。He angled his column towards teenagers.

直角犁尖雨和泥去除。Angled plow tip for rain and mud removal.

安全合适的角度的钩环带。Angled hook-and-loop strap for secure fit.

他把照相机调到了适当的角度。He angled the camera in the correct postion.

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倾斜的屋顶形成了锯齿状的建筑轮廓。The angled roofs result in a saw-toothed profile.

这里就是严子陵钓鱼的地方了。This is the place where Yan Ziling angled for fish.

她的闲话专栏着眼于青少年。She angled her column of chitchat towards teenagers.

这个大骗子溜进了宴会中。The con artist angled his way into the dinner party.

他们使其栏目侧重于现代年轻女性。They angled their column towards modern young women.

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斜角的臀部口袋,背面贴边口袋按钮。Angled hip pockets, button-through back welt pockets.

小约翰以斜角大力射门,球射飞了。Little John blasted an angled shot well wide of the goal.

袋盖由槽钮扣合,其边角呈斜角。The slotted button closure pocket flap corners are angled.

型是指气缸排成类似V型的两排。V-type has two angled rows of cylinders, which form a "V."

斜角手皮革滚边口袋,背面贴边口袋。Angled hand pockets with leather piping, back welt pockets.

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她为了反射窗外的光线而把镜子摆成某一角度。She angled the mirror so as to reflect light from a window.

角度的手贴边口袋,搞定伟力在后面的口袋。Angled hand welt pockets, buttoned welt pockets at the back.

圆锥花序分枝下部的平滑的或疏生粗糙的有棱。Panicle branches proximally smooth or sparsely scabrid angled.