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没有图瓦卢的森林覆盖数据。No data are available for Tuvalu.

图瓦卢的最高点距太平洋面仅有4.5米。At its highest point, Tuvalu stands just 4.5 metres out of the Pacific.

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图瓦卢是全球受到气候变暖影响最为严重的地方之一。Tuvalu is one of the places on earth that is most vulnerable to the affects of global warming.

他说,图瓦卢最先于上周宣布情况危急,自那以后形势已然恶化。He said Tuvalu first declared the emergency last week and the situation had deteriorated since then.

孤立于密克罗尼西亚群岛中间,图瓦卢是世界上最安全和最偏远的地方之一。Isolated in the middle of Micronesia, Tuvalu is among the safest and most remote places in the world.

图为一名图瓦卢儿童举着标语抗议导致温室效应的电器及其他产品的使用。A Tuvalu child protests the use of appliances and other products which bring about green house effect.

吐瓦鲁,太平洋上的一个小国家。因为将要被海洋淹没而求助。Tuvalu , a tiny country in the Pacific Ocean, has asked for help as it will be swallowed up by the sea.

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对于削减温室气体排放呼吁声音最大的是来自于南太平洋的岛国图瓦鲁。The loudest call for more ambitious emissions targets came from the South Pacific island nation of Tuvalu.

图瓦鲁代表团建议,修改联合国气候条约需要富裕国家付出更大的努力。The Tuvalu delegation proposed amending the United Nations climate treaty to require a greater effort by rich nations.

图瓦卢的一个环礁,位于南太平洋。89年发现此地,它是岛国首都丰加法莱的所在地。An atoll of Tuvalu in the southern Pacific Ocean. Discovered in 89, it is the site of Fongafale, the capital of the island state.

从布宜诺斯艾利斯到纽约的沿海城市、太平洋图瓦卢等岛国、孟加拉国或中国的沿海地区将由于海平面上升而受到巨大影响。Coastal cities from Buenos Aires to New York, island states such as Tuvalu in the Pacific or coasts of Bangladesh or China would be highly vulnerable to rising seas.

岛国联盟警告称,一些海拔较低的国家如图瓦卢和马尔代夫,就因为不断上升的海平面而面临着消失的危险。The Alliance of Small Island States warned that that some low-lying countries, such as Tuvalu or the Maldives, were facing "the end of history" due to rising sea levels.

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当太平洋岛国图瓦卢在哥本哈根提出未来更严格的减排要求时,中国对这一要求否决之迅速,令一些观察人士感到惊讶。When the Pacific island state of Tuvalu proposed in Copenhagen a tougher cut in future emissions, it was swiftly knocked back by China in a manner that surprised some observers.

此些新作为包括,推展台湾国家意象、大量接受吐瓦魯移民、结合法輪功散播人权观念等。These new thinking include "promoting the image of Taiwan-State", "accepting a great amount of Tuvalu migrants" and "working together with the Fa Lun Gong for the common belief of human rights".