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它们确实喜欢崩溃。They do like to collapse.

但调整不代表着崩溃。But adjustment is not collapse.

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全部成活,其中倒塌。All of them survived the collapse.

虚空粉碎,大地平沉。Sky pulverizes and earth collapse.

关节面未见明显塌陷情况。No joint surface collapse was found.

还记得1967年的留洋探索崩溃吗?Remember the market collapse of 1967?

波军的抵抗将一触即溃。Polish resistance would soon collapse.

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中国抛售美国国债,美元崩溃?China throws the US debt-Dollar collapse?

至少五人在这次塌桥中死亡。At least five others died in the collapse.

该和平协议目前正在崩溃的边缘。That deal is now on the verge of collapse.

您可以折叠其他窗格以节省空间。You can collapse the others to save space.

江苏南通兴建厂房倒塌,死亡人数上升至6人。Death toll rises to 6 in workshop collapse.

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她看样子随时都可能垮下来。She looked ready to collapse at any minute.

这种窑洞大雨时很容易倒塌。These caves collapse easily in heavy rains.

恶心呕吐、大汗淋漓、呈虚脱状。Nausea and vomiting, sweating, and collapse.

向南离开后,西凤崩溃自杀被救。Left, south west chicken collapse was suicide.

蛭石在短期内就会分解。Vermiculite tends to collapse in a short time.

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按一下>形箭号按钮以摺叠群组。Click the chevron button to collapse the group.

如果这些人离开了,这座城市会垮掉的。If those people left me, the city would collapse.

我希望能够将所有的种子归入文件夹内。I wish I could collapse all my feeds into folders.