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她的部份工作就是清扫马廐。Part of her job was to muck out the stables.

矿工每隔一天清除一次矸石。The miners muck the waste rock every other day.

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金钱好比粪肥,只有撒到在大地才是有用之物。Money is like muck , not good except it be spread.

定是被孩子气的神灵用泥巴塑造。Shaped out of great lumps of muck by childish gods.

连云港地区的软土是海相淤泥和淤泥质土。Lianyungang marine soft clay is muck and mucky soil.

这团凝固的污物堵塞了过滤器。This congealed muck was interfering with the filter.

马克在污泥中拚命摇晃着努力保持平衡。Mark churned wildly through the muck trying to keep up.

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我求神助我如同他爱我一般去爱他人。I asked god to help me love others, as muck as he love me.

至于授戒仪式类似三大戒仪式。The ritual of Boddhichitta is muck like the complete precepts.

相对来说,牛粪和马粪不那么令人讨厌,粪肥也是。Cow DUNG and horse dung, as muck goes, are relatively agreeable.

你别再混日子啦,像你这岁数早该找个活儿干了。You'd better not to muck about any more. You're old enough to get a job.

穆克扭了脚踝,马拉其和几个人试图扶他。Muck is wresting his ankle, Malarkey and some guys trying to support him.

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孩子们可能会胡闹但要直截了当的告诉他们那是不礼貌的行为。Children will want to muck about but tell them straight off that it isn’t very polite.

“一开始,人类破坏环境,”基辛格说,“我们所能做的就只是把事情弄得一团糟。"Primarily, humans are bad for the environment, " Kittinger said. "All we do is muck things up.

昨天傍晚,一辆渣土运输车在倾倒渣土的时候,突然从车上倒出一颗长达一米左右的炮弹。Yesterday evening, a muck truck dumping muck, suddenly poured from the car a long meters shells.

不论是失去了一个朋友,获得糟糕的成绩,还是让父母大失所望,我只在自我的混乱中郁闷不堪。Whenever I’d lose a friend, get an awful grade, or disappoint my parents, I stewed in my own muck.

一个很好的清洁,是值得的,但不可避免地导致大规模的泥泞的淤泥被删除。A good clean is well worth the effort but inevitably results in a mass of slushy muck being removed.

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笨拙的市民以不明的策略和规划不周搞砸了珍贵时刻及每天的生活。Clumsy Sims muck up both precious and every day moments in life with shaddy footwork and poor planning.

马蒂·麦佛莱踩滑板逃跑,急中生智,利用肥料车对毕夫·谭能一行人连消带打。Marty McFly escapes using skateboard and play tricks to Biff Tannen and his gang using truck with muck.

与他人的作品划清界线。如果你修改了他人的代码文件中有一部分是你的。Thou shalt not muck with someone elses work. If you change someone elses code document what part is yours.