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但这个转变并非一帆风顺。That turnabout was not easy.

旋转木马开始转起来了。The turnabout began to swivel.

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但转变的普及仍然是相当了不起的。But the turnabout in popularity is still quite remarkable.

改向滚筒用于改变输送带运行方向。Turnabout drum is to change the direction of transmission belt.

原谅别人,就是给自己心中留下空间,以便回旋。Forgiving others means leaving space for your own heart in case turnabout.

政府在失业问题上的突然转向造成了某种混乱。The government's sudden turnabout on unemployment has caused some confusion.

改向滚筒覆面有裸露光钢面和平滑胶面两种。The cover of turnabout drum has two types, bare steel cover and smooth rubber face.

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本文试图从土登贡培的政治生涯出发,对其转变的原因作一分析并加以略评。By probing into Tu s political career, this paper tries to analyze the reasons for his turnabout and make some comments.

我们希望各方继续共同努力,推动实现局势转圜,为重启六方会谈创造条件。We hope all parties continue to work together to push for turnabout of the situation and create conditions for resumption of the Six-Party Talks.

这是一个另人吃惊的转变,因为在中国,由于受官方政策、贫穷、传统观念的多重影响,收养是非常困难的。And it's a surprising turnabout in a country in which government red-tape, poverty and traditional attitudes long combined to discourage adoption.

我们都认识一些从来没有学会与他人交流感受的人,而且很可能他们到现在都不准备作出彻底的转变。We all know people who have never learned to communicate their feelings, and, in all probability, they are not going to do a complete turnabout now.

这是一个历史转折的颠倒重现,在70年代中苏关系破裂前,中国一直受苏联的启发,采取的是学习老大哥的方式。It is a historical turnabout that resonates, given that the Chinese Communists were inspired by the Soviets, before the two sides had a lengthy rift.

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从上面的图表你能看到,中国的经济规模现在已经超过了日本,而10前比英国或法国的规模要小,这是一个令人震惊的转变。As you can see from the top graph, China has now passed Japan in economic size. Ten years ago it was smaller than the UK or France, an extraordinary turnabout.

这一政策性的转变是为了减轻过去一周中卡尔扎伊在寻求国家支持集会中所爆发的积怨,他在机会中指责西方干涉他国内政。The turnabout is a bid to ease the rancor of the past week that flared after Karzai, seeking to rally national support, accused the West of meddling in his nation.

而在这场转变过程中主持大局的,正是在九十年代中期到2002年中国发生一系列民航事故之后临危受命的中国民用航空总局局长杨元元。The turnabout came under the auspices of a hard-charging aviation official appointed after a string of crashes stretching from the mid-1990s to 2002, Yang Yuanyuan.

传动件分开布置、燃油、液压油箱带活动链接功能,机罩后翻,方便维修。The separated arrangement of transmission parts, the fuel tank&hydraulic oil tank with motive connective function and turnabout engine hood cover make maintainance easily.

舞会很好玩,最有意义的是所有门票的收入都捐献给慈善机构和医院。Turnabout dance is very entertaining, and best of all, the money made by the student's admission fee are used for a good cause. They are all donated to charities and hospitals.

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平壤上星期改变态度,使人们猜测北韩可能想拖到新美国总统上任后再看看能否得到比目前更有利可图的协议。Pyongyang's turnabout last week prompted speculation that it might be stalling until the new U.S. president was in power to see if it could get a better deal than the one already negotiated.