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这是一只鳄鱼。This is an alligator.

那是炒的鳄鱼肉。It's fried alligator meat.

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你能帮忙吗,小鳄鱼?Will you help me, Alligator?

往口袋上缝条鳄鱼吧。Put an alligator over the pocket.

白色手工缝制鳄鱼皮表带。White, hand-sewn alligator strap.

我喜欢这些鳄鱼皮的牛仔皮靴。I like the alligator cowboy boots.

他们说,啊,“一会见,小鳄鱼”They said, uh, "Seeya later, alligator ".

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哪种好些,猪皮还是鳄鱼皮?。Which is better, pig skin or alligator skin?

就是在那儿,我第一次看到了野生鳄鱼。It’s there that I saw my first wild alligator.

他正在环礁湖里与一只短吻鳄搏斗。He was grappling with an alligator in a lagoon.

他的手勉强刚够到他的母亲,鳄鱼也已经接触到了他。Just as he reached her, the alligator reached him.

公家的鞋都是鳄鱼皮做的。All the government shoes are made of alligator hide.

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于是她跟着他来到了小鳄鱼的地下迷宫。So she followed him deep into the alligator catacombs.

两边有鳄鱼夹的短的金属丝。a short piece of wire with alligator clips on both ends.

但是一只鳄鱼突然浮出水面,把嘴张得大大的!But an alligator rose from the water. It opened its mouth!

是他们洗澡的地方,据说还有鳄鱼出没。and one of their bathtubs, there's supposedly an alligator.

短吻美洲鳄和鳄鱼有什么区别?What is the difference between an alligator and a crocodile?

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大块面包做成的鳄鱼造型,太酷了,谁还舍得吃涅?Creative alligator shaped bread sculpture is too cool to eat.

直至今天,潜水员和历史学家仍在找寻扬子鳄号潜水艇。Divers and historians are still looking for the Alligator today.

我们就让小型短吻鳄的皮肤来作为龙的铠甲吧。“Let’s throw a little alligator in there for armor, ” Conrad says.