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一个老师打了911.A teacher calls 911.

他叫她安吉丽。He calls her Angelique.

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她叫那个狗卢卢。She calls the dog Lulu.

我要去上门推销。I'm going on sales calls.

鸟叫就是一个例子。Bird calls are an example.

他叫他们妈妈和爸爸。He calls them Mom and Dad.

我一共调用了25次函数。And it's taken me 25 calls.

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他将其称为“浪荡子”。He calls it being a "rake."

他经常颠倒黑白。He often calls white black.

可是主把我们叫作是羊。No, God calls us his sheep.

并遵循其妻子的电话。And follows its wifes calls.

因为衪称自己为小羊。For He calls Himself a Lamb.

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他把自己的儿子辛巴达叫到身边。He calls to his son, Sinbad.

注意听着万一他打电话来。Listen out in case he calls.

他骂他是一个鬼鬼祟祟的呆子。He calls him a sneaking fool!

邮递员天天来一次。The postman calls once a day.

因此Ury认为这是一种积极的否定。Ury calls this a positive no.

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打电话给你就是想说声嗨北鼻!Calls you just to say Hi baby!

首先,它调用了终结器。First, it calls the finalizer.

“跳火”,那个飞行员就是这么叫的。Flame out, the pilot calls it.